# sfshr **sfshr** (**s**ecure **f**ile **sh**a**r**e) is a command-line tool to share end-to-end encrypted (256-bit AES CBC) files using a link ## Usage ### Uploading ``` # Upload file test sfshr test # Upload file test without encryption sfshr -n test sfshr --no-encryption test ``` ### Downloading Paste generated link to command-line ``` # Encrypted link sfshr -r b6s7cmB1vr5Hd3EjJn5bO88N8cpLoYgQng5yYNwWhTf0BUPGDeaMGMY5BEmoYe9KrcAEjdmCbl0lhxN8uIxwpg== # Unencrypted link sfshr --no-encryption -r 6yqAvYuVLlBgBkrYWQCyrBjFE1DAt9Tgk8Mir0zLrIs= ``` You can also upload whole directories. ### Options * `-t --tar [tarname]` - store downloaded tar as `[tarname]`, instead of unpacking it * `-n --no-encryption` - do not encrypt or decrypt the file * `-q --quiet` - do not print anything (except download key) * `-s --server [hostname:port]` - specify sfshr server (default: `ondralukes.cz:40788`) * `-f --fingerprint [fingerprint]` - specify expected server fingerprint (default: `bbda8c52...`) * `--no-fingerprint` - do not verify server fingerprint