# Current release process for Rust crate sgp4-rs - Get any outstanding PRs you want in the release merged to master. - Ensure you have an account on https://crates.io/ linked to your github account. - Make sure your `crates.io` account has a verified email. - Use `cargo login` to log in to your crates.io account locally. - Checkout/pull the repo master branch locally - Check you are one of the owners of the crate, using `cargo owner --list sgp4-rs`. If not, persuade one of the other owners to add you, and make sure you accept that ownership by clicking in the email. - Choose whether you are doing a major, minor or patch release. - Assuming patch, within the root dir of the repo, perform a dry-run using `cargo release patch`. - Assuming this works, within the root dir of the repo, do `cargo release patch --execute`. - This should bump the version in the `Cargo.toml` file, push that update, tag the repo appropriately and publish the crate to `crates.io` - Note, this does not create a GitHub release.