use std::{env, fs, path::Path, process::Command}; fn main() { let target = Target::from_env(); let script = cryptogams_script(&target); eprintln!("selected cryptogams script: {script}"); let src = Path::new(script).file_stem().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let ext = if target.is_msvc() { "asm" } else { "S" }; let sha3 = Path::new(&env("OUT_DIR")).join(format!("{src}.{ext}")); println!("cargo:rustc-env=SHA3_ASM_SRC={src}"); let flavor = cryptogams_script_flavor(&target); eprintln!("selected cryptogams script flavor: {flavor:?}"); run_perlasm(script, flavor.as_deref(), &sha3); let mut cc = cc::Build::new(); if target.is_any_arm() { cc.include("cryptogams/arm"); } // We need to rename symbols, because if a dependency brings in openssl, the linker may detect // `libcrypto.a`, which ships the same symbol names as cryptogams. This is not ideal, because // while openssl-sys does not expose these functions, and some of these symbols are private and // not meant for bindings, they are still shipped in `libcrypto.a`. If imports are in the wrong // order, the linker would detect these and link to our interface. This can lead to incorrect // hash results. // // Instead, we rename the symbols with a prefix, so that the symbols do not conflict. let symbol_prefix = "KECCAK_ASM"; let preprocessor_renames = ["SHA3_squeeze", "SHA3_absorb"]; cc.file(&sha3); // MSVC's provided arm assembler does not support -D, only allowing PreDefine to be used. // Unfortunately these are subtly different from -D, making them difficult to use when there // might be symbol conflicts. // // Instead, we will do a find/replace on the assembly here. if target.is_msvc() && target.is_any_arm() { let mut assembly = fs::read_to_string(&sha3).unwrap(); for symbol in preprocessor_renames { assembly = assembly.replace(symbol, &format!("{symbol_prefix}_{symbol}")); } fs::write(&sha3, &assembly).unwrap() } else { // we do not want to define anything for msvc + arm for symbol in preprocessor_renames { // symbols with a _cext suffix are also shared let symbol_cext = format!("{symbol}_cext"); for symbol in [symbol, &symbol_cext] { // sometimes the symbols have underscores cc.define(&format!("_{symbol}"), format!("_{symbol_prefix}_{symbol}").as_str()); // and sometimes they do not cc.define(symbol, format!("{symbol_prefix}_{symbol}").as_str()); } } } cc.compile("keccak"); } fn cryptogams_script(target: &Target) -> &'static str { // Allow overriding the script path via an environment variable. if let Ok(script) = maybe_env("SHA3_ASM_SCRIPT") { eprintln!("cryptogams script overridden by environment variable"); let p = Path::new(&script); assert!(p.is_relative(), "SHA3_ASM_SCRIPT={script:?} is not relative"); let p = p.strip_prefix("cryptogams").unwrap_or(p); let p = Path::new("cryptogams").join(p); let meta = p.metadata().unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("SHA3_ASM_SCRIPT={p:?}: {e}")); assert!(meta.is_file(), "SHA3_ASM_SCRIPT={p:?} is not a file"); assert!( p.components().all(|c| c != std::path::Component::ParentDir), "SHA3_ASM_SCRIPT={p:?} contains a parent directory component" ); let p = p.to_str().unwrap().to_string(); // TODO(MSRV-1.72): use `String::leak` instead return Box::leak(p.into_boxed_str()); } match target.arch.as_str() { "arm" => "cryptogams/arm/", "aarch64" => "cryptogams/arm/", "x86" => { if in_ci() || target.has_feature("mmx") { "cryptogams/x86/" } else { panic!("x86 targets require MMX support") } } "x86_64" => { if target.has_feature("avx512vl") { "cryptogams/x86_64/" // These are obsolete, plain x86_64 implementation is faster: // // } else if target.has_feature("avx512f") { // "cryptogams/x86_64/" // } else if target.has_feature("avx2") { // "cryptogams/x86_64/" } else { "cryptogams/x86_64/" } } // TODO: cil (?) // TODO: ia64 (?) s if s.starts_with("mips") => "cryptogams/mips/", s if s.starts_with("powerpc") => "cryptogams/ppc/", s if s.starts_with("riscv") => "cryptogams/riscv/", "s390x" => "cryptogams/s390x/", s => panic!("unsupported target arch: {s}"), } } fn cryptogams_script_flavor(target: &Target) -> Option { let mut flavor = match target.arch.as_str() { "arm" => match target.os.as_str() { "ios" | "macos" => Some("ios32"), "windows" => Some(if target.is_msvc() { "win32" } else { "coff32" }), "linux" => Some("linux32"), _ => None, }, "aarch64" => match target.os.as_str() { "ios" | "macos" => Some("ios64"), "windows" => Some(if target.is_msvc() { "win64" } else { "coff64" }), "linux" => Some("linux64"), _ => None, }, "x86" => match target.os.as_str() { "windows" => Some("win32n"), _ => Some("elf"), }, "x86_64" => match target.os.as_str() { "macos" => Some("macosx"), "windows" => Some(if target.is_msvc() { "masm" } else { "mingw64" }), _ if == "unix" => Some("elf"), _ => None, }, "powerpc" => Some("linux32"), "powerpc64" => Some("linux64"), "powerpc64le" => Some("linux64le"), s if s.starts_with("mips") && s.contains("64") => Some("64"), s if s.starts_with("riscv") && s.contains("32") => Some("32"), s if s.starts_with("riscv") && s.contains("64") => Some("64"), _ => None, } .map(String::from); if let Some(s) = &mut flavor { if target.arch == "aarch64" && target.has_feature("sha3") { s.push_str("+sha3"); } } flavor } fn run_perlasm(path: &str, flavor: Option<&str>, to: &Path) { let mut cmd = Command::new("perl"); cmd.arg(path); cmd.arg(flavor.unwrap_or("void")); let to_relative = to.strip_prefix(env::current_dir().unwrap()).unwrap_or(to); let to_relative = to_relative.to_str().unwrap().replace('\\', "/"); cmd.arg(to_relative); eprintln!("running script: {cmd:?}"); let out = cmd.output().unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("could not execute perl ({cmd:?}): {e}")); let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stdout); let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&out.stderr); let stderr = stderr.trim(); assert!(out.status.success(), "perl for {path} failed ({cmd:?}):\n{stderr}"); if stdout.trim().is_empty() { assert!(to.exists(), "assembly file was not created at {to:?}"); eprintln!("stdout for {path} is empty: file {to:?} was written by perl script"); } else { eprintln!("writing stdout manually to {to:?}"); fs::write(to, stdout.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } } struct Target { arch: String, os: String, env: String, family: String, features: Vec, } impl Target { fn from_env() -> Self { Self { arch: env("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH"), os: env("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS"), env: env("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV"), family: env("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FAMILY"), features: if let Ok(features) = maybe_env("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FEATURE") { features.split(',').map(Into::into).collect() } else { vec![] }, } } fn is_any_arm(&self) -> bool { self.arch.starts_with("arm") || self.arch.starts_with("aarch64") } fn is_msvc(&self) -> bool { self.env == "msvc" } fn has_feature(&self, feature: &str) -> bool { self.features.iter().any(|f| f == feature) } } #[track_caller] fn env(s: &str) -> String { maybe_env(s).expect(s) } fn in_ci() -> bool { maybe_env("CI").is_ok() } fn maybe_env(s: &str) -> Result { println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed={s}"); env::var(s) }