use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; fn all_combinations(input: &[u8; 4], l: u8) -> Vec { let mut r = Vec::new(); if l <= 0 { } else if l == 1 { for i in input { r.push(format!("{}", *i as char).to_string()); } } else { let s = all_combinations(&input, l - 1); for e in s { r.push(e.clone()); // :HACK: not true for i in input { r.push(format!("{}{}", e, *i as char).to_string()); } } } r } fn main() { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut f = File::create(&dest_path).unwrap(); f.write_all(b" pub struct GlslKeywords { } impl GlslKeywords { pub fn get() -> std::vec::Vec { let mut r = Vec::new(); r.push(\"main\".to_string()); // technically not a keyword according to the spec, but we get in trouble if we 'fix' it, so blocklist it here \n").unwrap(); // blocklist all swizzles, accroding to the glsl spec mixing components from different sets is not legal // :TODO: would be better if we could recognize a swizzle during parsing for e in all_combinations(b"xywz", 4) { f.write_fmt(format_args!("\t\t\t\tr.push(\"{}\".to_string());\n", e)) .unwrap(); } for e in all_combinations(b"rgba", 4) { f.write_fmt(format_args!("\t\t\t\tr.push(\"{}\".to_string());\n", e)) .unwrap(); } for e in all_combinations(b"stpq", 4) { f.write_fmt(format_args!("\t\t\t\tr.push(\"{}\".to_string());\n", e)) .unwrap(); } let ks = include_str!("src/glsl_keywords.txt"); for k in ks.split_whitespace() { f.write_fmt(format_args!("\t\t\t\tr.push(\"{}\".to_string());\n", k)) .unwrap(); } f.write_all( b" r } } ", ) .unwrap(); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/glsl_keywords.txt"); }