# Shadow Drive Rust Rust SDK for [GenesysGo's Shadow Drive](https://shdw.genesysgo.com/shadow-infrastructure-overview/shadow-drive-overview), a decentralized storage network. Available on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/shadow-drive-rust). ## Install Add the crate to your `Cargo.toml`. ```toml shadow-drive-rust = "0.7.2" ``` ### Examples ```rust //init tracing.rs subscriber tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter("off,shadow_drive_rust=debug") .init(); //load keypair from file let keypair = read_keypair_file(KEYPAIR_PATH).expect("failed to load keypair at path"); //create shdw drive client let shdw_drive_client = ShadowDriveClient::new(keypair, "https://ssc-dao.genesysgo.net"); //derive the storage account pubkey let pubkey = keypair.pubkey(); let (storage_account_key, _) = shadow_drive_rust::derived_addresses::storage_account(&pubkey, 0); // read files in directory let dir = tokio::fs::read_dir("multiple_uploads") .await .expect("failed to read multiple uploads dir"); // create Vec of ShadowFile structs for upload let mut files = tokio_stream::wrappers::ReadDirStream::new(dir) .filter(Result::is_ok) .and_then(|entry| async move { Ok(ShadowFile::file( entry .file_name() .into_string() .expect("failed to convert os string to regular string"), entry.path(), )) }) .collect::, _>>() .await .expect("failed to create shdw files for dir"); // Bytes are also supported files.push(ShadowFile::bytes( String::from("buf.txt"), &b"this is a buf test"[..], )); // kick off upload let upload_results = shdw_drive_client .upload_multiple_files(&storage_account_key, files) .await .expect("failed to upload files"); //profit println!("upload results: {:#?}", upload_results); ``` More examples can be found in the [`example`](https://github.com/VegetarianOrc/shadow-drive-rust/tree/main/example) directory.