[`shadow-rs`][docsrs]: Build-time information stored in your Rust project (binary, lib, cdylib, dylib). ========================================

shadow-rs build tool

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And more! You can use this crate to programmatically check where a binary came from and how it was built. Currently, integration into **wasm** is also supported. For detailed settings, please refer to the link [example_wasm](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_wasm). ![build_module](./build_module.png) # Note on Caching `shadow-rs` build information **is not always rebuilt** when you build a project. `shadow-rs` outputs several hints to Cargo in order to force rebuilds when required, but this does not always work. You can enforce up-to-date build information by running `cargo clean` before the build, or use a CI/CD pipeline tool. For more details, see . # Examples * Check out the [example_shadow](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_shadow) for a simple demonstration of how `shadow-rs` might be used to provide build-time information at run-time. * Check out the [example_shadow_hook](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/example_shadow_hook) for a demonstration of how custom hooks can be used to add extra information to `shadow-rs`'s output. * Check out the [`builtin_fn` example](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/tree/master/examples/builtin_fn.rs) for a simple demonstration of the built-in functions that `shadow-rs` provides. # Setup ### 1) Modify `Cargo.toml` fields Modify your `Cargo.toml` like so: ```toml [package] build = "build.rs" [dependencies] shadow-rs = "{latest version}" [build-dependencies] shadow-rs = "{latest version}" ``` >About `build = "build.rs"`,this is an optional addition where, by default, build points to the build.rs file. It is recommended to use it as such. However, if your build script file is not named build.rs, please manually specify it. For example: `build = "gen.rs"`. ### 2) Create `build.rs` file Now in the root of your project (same directory as `Cargo.toml`) add a file `build.rs`: ```rust fn main() -> shadow_rs::SdResult<()> { shadow_rs::new() } ``` If you want to exclude some build constants, you can use [`new_deny`] instead of [`new`]. ### 3) Integrate Shadow In your main Rust file (usually `main.rs` or `lib.rs`), add this: ```rust use shadow_rs::shadow; shadow!(build); ``` The `shadow!` macro uses the given identifier to create a module with that name. ### 4) Use Shadow Constants You can now use the module defined with `shadow!` to access build-time information. ```rust fn main(){ println!("debug:{}", shadow_rs::is_debug()); // check if this is a debug build. e.g 'true/false' println!("branch:{}", shadow_rs::branch()); // get current project branch. e.g 'master/develop' println!("tag:{}", shadow_rs::tag()); // get current project tag. e.g 'v1.3.5' println!("git_clean:{}", shadow_rs::git_clean()); // get current project clean. e.g 'true/false' println!("git_status_file:{}", shadow_rs::git_status_file()); // get current project statue file. e.g ' * examples/builtin_fn.rs (dirty)' println!("{}", build::VERSION); //print version const println!("{}", build::CLAP_LONG_VERSION); //print CLAP_LONG_VERSION const println!("{}", build::BRANCH); //master println!("{}", build::SHORT_COMMIT);//8405e28e println!("{}", build::COMMIT_HASH);//8405e28e64080a09525a6cf1b07c22fcaf71a5c5 println!("{}", build::COMMIT_DATE);//2021-08-04 12:34:03 +00:00 println!("{}", build::COMMIT_AUTHOR);//baoyachi println!("{}", build::COMMIT_EMAIL);//xxx@gmail.com println!("{}", build::BUILD_OS);//macos-x86_64 println!("{}", build::RUST_VERSION);//rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13) println!("{}", build::RUST_CHANNEL);//stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default) println!("{}", build::CARGO_VERSION);//cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15) println!("{}", build::PKG_VERSION);//0.3.13 println!("{}", build::CARGO_TREE); //like command:cargo tree println!("{}", build::CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR); // /User/baoyachi/shadow-rs/ | println!("{}", build::PROJECT_NAME);//shadow-rs println!("{}", build::BUILD_TIME);//2020-08-16 14:50:25 println!("{}", build::BUILD_RUST_CHANNEL);//debug println!("{}", build::GIT_CLEAN);//false println!("{}", build::GIT_STATUS_FILE);//* src/lib.rs (dirty) } ``` #### Reproducibility This tool includes the current time in the binary which would normally make it non-reproducible. However, it respects the [`SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` variable](https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/) - if set to a Unix timestamp it will override the value of build time. ## Clap You can also use `shadow-rs` to provide information to command-line interface crates such as [`clap`](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/). An example of this can be found in [`example_shadow`](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/blob/master/example_shadow/src/main.rs). ## List of Constants and Functions #### Functions | Function | Description | | ------ | ------ | | `is_debug()` | `true` if this is a build with debug assertions. | | `branch()` | Git branch at build time. | | `tag()` | Current Git tag at build time. | | `git_clean()` | Whether Git working tree was clean at build time. | | `git_status_file()` | `git status`-like output, e.g. ` * examples/builtin_fn.rs (dirty)` | #### Constants | Constant | Example | | ------ | ------ | | VERSION | 3.4.5 | | CLAP_LONG_VERSION | (A multi-line string containing branch, commit hash, build time, Rust version and toolchain channel) | | BRANCH | master | | TAG | v1.0.0 | | SHORT_COMMIT | 8405e28e | | COMMIT_HASH | 8405e28e64080a09525a6cf1b07c22fcaf71a5c5 | | COMMIT_DATE | 2021-08-04 12:34:03 +00:00 | | COMMIT_DATE_2822 | Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:33:59 +0800 | | COMMIT_DATE_3339 | 2021-06-24T21:33:59.972494+08:00 | | COMMIT_AUTHOR | baoyachi | | COMMIT_EMAIL | xxx@gmail.com | | BUILD_OS | macos-x86_64 | | BUILD_TARGET | x86_64-apple-darwin | | BUILD_TARGET_ARCH | x86_64 | | RUST_VERSION | rustc 1.45.0 (5c1f21c3b 2020-07-13) | | RUST_CHANNEL | stable-x86_64-apple-darwin (default) | | CARGO_VERSION | cargo 1.45.0 (744bd1fbb 2020-06-15) | | PKG_VERSION | 0.3.13 | | CARGO_TREE | (Output of `cargo tree`) | | CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR | /User/baoyachi/shadow-rs/ | | PROJECT_NAME | shadow-rs | | BUILD_TIME | 2021-06-24 21:33:59 | | BUILD_TIME_2822 | Thu, 24 Jun 2021 21:33:59 +0800 | | BUILD_TIME_3339 | 2021-06-24T15:53:55+08:00 | | BUILD_RUST_CHANNEL | release | | GIT_CLEAN | true | | GIT_STATUS_FILE | * src/lib.rs (dirty) | If you have any questions, please create an [issue](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/issues/new) so we may improve the documentation where it may be unclear. ## People using shadow-rs If you are using `shadow-rs`, please tell me! Or instead, consider making a note here: [Shadow Users Collection](https://github.com/baoyachi/shadow-rs/issues/19).



