#ifndef SHAPEFILE_H_INCLUDED #define SHAPEFILE_H_INCLUDED /****************************************************************************** * * Project: Shapelib * Purpose: Primary include file for Shapelib. * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1999, Frank Warmerdam * Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Even Rouault * * This software is available under the following "MIT Style" license, * or at the option of the licensee under the LGPL (see COPYING). This * option is discussed in more detail in shapelib.html. * * -- * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************** * */ #include #ifdef USE_DBMALLOC #include #endif #ifdef USE_CPL #include "cpl_conv.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /************************************************************************/ /* Configuration options. */ /************************************************************************/ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Should the DBFReadStringAttribute() strip leading and */ /* trailing white space? */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define TRIM_DBF_WHITESPACE /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Should we write measure values to the Multipatch object? */ /* Reportedly ArcView crashes if we do write it, so for now it */ /* is disabled. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define DISABLE_MULTIPATCH_MEASURE /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SHPAPI_CALL */ /* */ /* The following two macros are present to allow forcing */ /* various calling conventions on the Shapelib API. */ /* */ /* To force __stdcall conventions (needed to call Shapelib */ /* from Visual Basic and/or Dephi I believe) the makefile could */ /* be modified to define: */ /* */ /* /DSHPAPI_CALL=__stdcall */ /* */ /* If it is desired to force export of the Shapelib API without */ /* using the shapelib.def file, use the following definition. */ /* */ /* /DSHAPELIB_DLLEXPORT */ /* */ /* To get both at once it will be necessary to hack this */ /* include file to define: */ /* */ /* #define SHPAPI_CALL __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall */ /* #define SHPAPI_CALL1 __declspec(dllexport) * __stdcall */ /* */ /* The complexity of the situation is partly caused by the */ /* peculiar requirement of Visual C++ that __stdcall appear */ /* after any "*"'s in the return value of a function while the */ /* __declspec(dllexport) must appear before them. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef SHAPELIB_DLLEXPORT # define SHPAPI_CALL __declspec(dllexport) # define SHPAPI_CALL1(x) __declspec(dllexport) x #endif #ifndef SHPAPI_CALL # if defined(USE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FLAG) # define SHPAPI_CALL __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) # define SHPAPI_CALL1(x) __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) x # else # define SHPAPI_CALL # endif #endif #ifndef SHPAPI_CALL1 # define SHPAPI_CALL1(x) x SHPAPI_CALL #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Macros for controlling CVSID and ensuring they don't appear */ /* as unreferenced variables resulting in lots of warnings. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef DISABLE_CVSID # if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 # define SHP_CVSID(string) static const char cpl_cvsid[] __attribute__((used)) = string; # else # define SHP_CVSID(string) static const char cpl_cvsid[] = string; \ static const char *cvsid_aw() { return( cvsid_aw() ? NULL : cpl_cvsid ); } # endif #else # define SHP_CVSID(string) #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* On some platforms, additional file IO hooks are defined that */ /* UTF-8 encoded filenames Unicode filenames */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(WIN32) # define SHPAPI_WINDOWS # define SHPAPI_UTF8_HOOKS #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* IO/Error hook functions. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef int *SAFile; #ifndef SAOffset typedef unsigned long SAOffset; #endif typedef struct { SAFile (*FOpen) ( const char *filename, const char *access); SAOffset (*FRead) ( void *p, SAOffset size, SAOffset nmemb, SAFile file); SAOffset (*FWrite)( void *p, SAOffset size, SAOffset nmemb, SAFile file); SAOffset (*FSeek) ( SAFile file, SAOffset offset, int whence ); SAOffset (*FTell) ( SAFile file ); int (*FFlush)( SAFile file ); int (*FClose)( SAFile file ); int (*Remove) ( const char *filename ); void (*Error) ( const char *message ); double (*Atof) ( const char *str ); } SAHooks; void SHPAPI_CALL SASetupDefaultHooks( SAHooks *psHooks ); #ifdef SHPAPI_UTF8_HOOKS void SHPAPI_CALL SASetupUtf8Hooks( SAHooks *psHooks ); #endif /************************************************************************/ /* SHP Support. */ /************************************************************************/ typedef struct tagSHPObject SHPObject; typedef struct { SAHooks sHooks; SAFile fpSHP; SAFile fpSHX; int nShapeType; /* SHPT_* */ unsigned int nFileSize; /* SHP file */ int nRecords; int nMaxRecords; unsigned int*panRecOffset; unsigned int *panRecSize; double adBoundsMin[4]; double adBoundsMax[4]; int bUpdated; unsigned char *pabyRec; int nBufSize; int bFastModeReadObject; unsigned char *pabyObjectBuf; int nObjectBufSize; SHPObject* psCachedObject; } SHPInfo; typedef SHPInfo * SHPHandle; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Shape types (nSHPType) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SHPT_NULL 0 #define SHPT_POINT 1 #define SHPT_ARC 3 #define SHPT_POLYGON 5 #define SHPT_MULTIPOINT 8 #define SHPT_POINTZ 11 #define SHPT_ARCZ 13 #define SHPT_POLYGONZ 15 #define SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ 18 #define SHPT_POINTM 21 #define SHPT_ARCM 23 #define SHPT_POLYGONM 25 #define SHPT_MULTIPOINTM 28 #define SHPT_MULTIPATCH 31 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Part types - everything but SHPT_MULTIPATCH just uses */ /* SHPP_RING. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SHPP_TRISTRIP 0 #define SHPP_TRIFAN 1 #define SHPP_OUTERRING 2 #define SHPP_INNERRING 3 #define SHPP_FIRSTRING 4 #define SHPP_RING 5 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SHPObject - represents on shape (without attributes) read */ /* from the .shp file. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct tagSHPObject { int nSHPType; int nShapeId; /* -1 is unknown/unassigned */ int nParts; int *panPartStart; int *panPartType; int nVertices; double *padfX; double *padfY; double *padfZ; double *padfM; double dfXMin; double dfYMin; double dfZMin; double dfMMin; double dfXMax; double dfYMax; double dfZMax; double dfMMax; int bMeasureIsUsed; int bFastModeReadObject; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SHP API Prototypes */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If pszAccess is read-only, the fpSHX field of the returned structure */ /* will be NULL as it is not necessary to keep the SHX file open */ SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpen( const char * pszShapeFile, const char * pszAccess ); SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpenLL( const char *pszShapeFile, const char *pszAccess, SAHooks *psHooks ); SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpenLLEx( const char *pszShapeFile, const char *pszAccess, SAHooks *psHooks, int bRestoreSHX ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPRestoreSHX( const char *pszShapeFile, const char *pszAccess, SAHooks *psHooks ); /* If setting bFastMode = TRUE, the content of SHPReadObject() is owned by the SHPHandle. */ /* So you cannot have 2 valid instances of SHPReadObject() simultaneously. */ /* The SHPObject padfZ and padfM members may be NULL depending on the geometry */ /* type. It is illegal to free at hand any of the pointer members of the SHPObject structure */ void SHPAPI_CALL SHPSetFastModeReadObject( SHPHandle hSHP, int bFastMode ); SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPCreate( const char * pszShapeFile, int nShapeType ); SHPHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPCreateLL( const char * pszShapeFile, int nShapeType, SAHooks *psHooks ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPGetInfo( SHPHandle hSHP, int * pnEntities, int * pnShapeType, double * padfMinBound, double * padfMaxBound ); SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPReadObject( SHPHandle hSHP, int iShape ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteObject( SHPHandle hSHP, int iShape, SHPObject * psObject ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPDestroyObject( SHPObject * psObject ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPComputeExtents( SHPObject * psObject ); SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPCreateObject( int nSHPType, int nShapeId, int nParts, const int * panPartStart, const int * panPartType, int nVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double * padfZ, const double * padfM ); SHPObject SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPCreateSimpleObject( int nSHPType, int nVertices, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double * padfZ ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPRewindObject( SHPHandle hSHP, SHPObject * psObject ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPClose( SHPHandle hSHP ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteHeader( SHPHandle hSHP ); const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPTypeName( int nSHPType ); const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPPartTypeName( int nPartType ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Shape quadtree indexing API. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* this can be two or four for binary or quad tree */ #define MAX_SUBNODE 4 /* upper limit of tree levels for automatic estimation */ #define MAX_DEFAULT_TREE_DEPTH 12 typedef struct shape_tree_node { /* region covered by this node */ double adfBoundsMin[4]; double adfBoundsMax[4]; /* list of shapes stored at this node. The papsShapeObj pointers or the whole list can be NULL */ int nShapeCount; int *panShapeIds; SHPObject **papsShapeObj; int nSubNodes; struct shape_tree_node *apsSubNode[MAX_SUBNODE]; } SHPTreeNode; typedef struct { SHPHandle hSHP; int nMaxDepth; int nDimension; int nTotalCount; SHPTreeNode *psRoot; } SHPTree; SHPTree SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPCreateTree( SHPHandle hSHP, int nDimension, int nMaxDepth, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPDestroyTree( SHPTree * hTree ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteTree( SHPTree *hTree, const char * pszFilename ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeAddShapeId( SHPTree * hTree, SHPObject * psObject ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeRemoveShapeId( SHPTree * hTree, int nShapeId ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPTreeTrimExtraNodes( SHPTree * hTree ); int SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPTreeFindLikelyShapes( SHPTree * hTree, double * padfBoundsMin, double * padfBoundsMax, int * ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPCheckBoundsOverlap( double *, double *, double *, double *, int ); int SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPSearchDiskTree( FILE *fp, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax, int *pnShapeCount ); typedef struct SHPDiskTreeInfo* SHPTreeDiskHandle; SHPTreeDiskHandle SHPAPI_CALL SHPOpenDiskTree( const char* pszQIXFilename, SAHooks *psHooks ); void SHPAPI_CALL SHPCloseDiskTree( SHPTreeDiskHandle hDiskTree ); int SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SHPSearchDiskTreeEx( SHPTreeDiskHandle hDiskTree, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax, int *pnShapeCount ); int SHPAPI_CALL SHPWriteTreeLL(SHPTree *hTree, const char *pszFilename, SAHooks *psHooks ); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SBN Search API */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct SBNSearchInfo* SBNSearchHandle; SBNSearchHandle SHPAPI_CALL SBNOpenDiskTree( const char* pszSBNFilename, SAHooks *psHooks ); void SHPAPI_CALL SBNCloseDiskTree( SBNSearchHandle hSBN ); int SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SBNSearchDiskTree( SBNSearchHandle hSBN, double *padfBoundsMin, double *padfBoundsMax, int *pnShapeCount ); int SHPAPI_CALL1(*) SBNSearchDiskTreeInteger( SBNSearchHandle hSBN, int bMinX, int bMinY, int bMaxX, int bMaxY, int *pnShapeCount ); void SHPAPI_CALL SBNSearchFreeIds( int* panShapeId ); /************************************************************************/ /* DBF Support. */ /************************************************************************/ typedef struct { SAHooks sHooks; SAFile fp; int nRecords; int nRecordLength; /* Must fit on uint16 */ int nHeaderLength; /* File header length (32) + field descriptor length + spare space. Must fit on uint16 */ int nFields; int *panFieldOffset; int *panFieldSize; int *panFieldDecimals; char *pachFieldType; char *pszHeader; /* Field descriptors */ int nCurrentRecord; int bCurrentRecordModified; char *pszCurrentRecord; int nWorkFieldLength; char *pszWorkField; int bNoHeader; int bUpdated; union { double dfDoubleField; int nIntField; } fieldValue; int iLanguageDriver; char *pszCodePage; int nUpdateYearSince1900; /* 0-255 */ int nUpdateMonth; /* 1-12 */ int nUpdateDay; /* 1-31 */ int bWriteEndOfFileChar; /* defaults to TRUE */ int bRequireNextWriteSeek; } DBFInfo; typedef DBFInfo * DBFHandle; typedef enum { FTString, FTInteger, FTDouble, FTLogical, FTDate, FTInvalid } DBFFieldType; /* Field descriptor/header size */ #define XBASE_FLDHDR_SZ 32 /* Shapelib read up to 11 characters, even if only 10 should normally be used */ #define XBASE_FLDNAME_LEN_READ 11 /* On writing, we limit to 10 characters */ #define XBASE_FLDNAME_LEN_WRITE 10 /* Normally only 254 characters should be used. We tolerate 255 historically */ #define XBASE_FLD_MAX_WIDTH 255 DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFOpen( const char * pszDBFFile, const char * pszAccess ); DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFOpenLL( const char * pszDBFFile, const char * pszAccess, SAHooks *psHooks ); DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreate( const char * pszDBFFile ); DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreateEx( const char * pszDBFFile, const char * pszCodePage ); DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCreateLL( const char * pszDBFFile, const char * pszCodePage, SAHooks *psHooks ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldCount( DBFHandle psDBF ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetRecordCount( DBFHandle psDBF ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAddField( DBFHandle hDBF, const char * pszFieldName, DBFFieldType eType, int nWidth, int nDecimals ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAddNativeFieldType( DBFHandle hDBF, const char * pszFieldName, char chType, int nWidth, int nDecimals ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFDeleteField( DBFHandle hDBF, int iField ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFReorderFields( DBFHandle psDBF, int* panMap ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFAlterFieldDefn( DBFHandle psDBF, int iField, const char * pszFieldName, char chType, int nWidth, int nDecimals ); DBFFieldType SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldInfo( DBFHandle psDBF, int iField, char * pszFieldName, int * pnWidth, int * pnDecimals ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetFieldIndex(DBFHandle psDBF, const char *pszFieldName); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFReadIntegerAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField ); double SHPAPI_CALL DBFReadDoubleAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField ); const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) DBFReadStringAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField ); const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) DBFReadLogicalAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFIsAttributeNULL( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteIntegerAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, int nFieldValue ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteDoubleAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, double dFieldValue ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteStringAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, const char * pszFieldValue ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteNULLAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteLogicalAttribute( DBFHandle hDBF, int iShape, int iField, const char lFieldValue); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteAttributeDirectly(DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity, int iField, void * pValue ); const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) DBFReadTuple(DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFWriteTuple(DBFHandle psDBF, int hEntity, void * pRawTuple ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFIsRecordDeleted( DBFHandle psDBF, int iShape ); int SHPAPI_CALL DBFMarkRecordDeleted( DBFHandle psDBF, int iShape, int bIsDeleted ); DBFHandle SHPAPI_CALL DBFCloneEmpty(DBFHandle psDBF, const char * pszFilename ); void SHPAPI_CALL DBFClose( DBFHandle hDBF ); void SHPAPI_CALL DBFUpdateHeader( DBFHandle hDBF ); char SHPAPI_CALL DBFGetNativeFieldType( DBFHandle hDBF, int iField ); const char SHPAPI_CALL1(*) DBFGetCodePage(DBFHandle psDBF ); void SHPAPI_CALL DBFSetLastModifiedDate( DBFHandle psDBF, int nYYSince1900, int nMM, int nDD ); void SHPAPI_CALL DBFSetWriteEndOfFileChar( DBFHandle psDBF, int bWriteFlag ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* ndef SHAPEFILE_H_INCLUDED */