# `ShardedQueue`
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## Why you should use `ShardedQueue`
`ShardedQueue` is currently the fastest concurrent collection which can be used
under highest concurrency and load
among most popular solutions, like `concurrent-queue` -
see benchmarks in directory `benches` and run them with
cargo bench
## Installation
cargo add sharded_queue
## Example
use std::thread::{available_parallelism};
use sharded_queue::ShardedQueue;
/// How many threads can physically access [ShardedQueue]
/// simultaneously, needed for computing `shard_count`
let max_concurrent_thread_count = available_parallelism().unwrap().get();
let sharded_queue = ShardedQueue::new(max_concurrent_thread_count);
let item = sharded_queue.pop_front_or_spin_wait_item();
## Why you may want to not use `ShardedQueue`
- Unlike in other concurrent queues, FIFO order is not guaranteed.
While it may seem that FIFO order is guaranteed, it is not, because
there can be a situation, when multiple consumers or producers triggered long resize of very large shards,
all but last, then passed enough time for resize to finish, then 1 consumer or producer triggers long resize of
last shard, and all other threads start to consume or produce, and eventually start spinning on
last shard, without guarantee which will acquire spin lock first, so we can't even guarantee that
`ShardedQueue::pop_front_or_spin_wait_item` will acquire lock before `ShardedQueue::push_back` on first
- `ShardedQueue` doesn't track length, since length's increment/decrement logic may change
depending on use case, as well as logic when it goes from 1 to 0 or reverse
(in some cases, like `NonBlockingMutex`, we don't even add action to queue when count
reaches 1, but run it immediately in same thread), or even negative
(to optimize some hot paths, like in some schedulers,
since it is cheaper to restore count to correct state than to enforce that it can not go negative
in some schedulers)
- `ShardedQueue` doesn't have many features, only necessary methods
`ShardedQueue::pop_front_or_spin_wait_item` and
`ShardedQueue::push_back` are implemented
## Benchmarks
`ShardedQueue` outperforms other concurrent queues.
See benchmark logic in directory `benches` and reproduce results by running
cargo bench
| Benchmark name | Operation count per thread | Concurrent thread count | average_time |
| sharded_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 1_000 | 24 | 1.1344 ms |
| concurrent_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 1_000 | 24 | 4.8130 ms |
| crossbeam_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 1_000 | 24 | 5.3154 ms |
| queue_mutex_push_and_pop_concurrently | 1_000 | 24 | 6.4846 ms |
| sharded_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 10_000 | 24 | 8.1651 ms |
| concurrent_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 10_000 | 24 | 44.660 ms |
| crossbeam_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 10_000 | 24 | 49.234 ms |
| queue_mutex_push_and_pop_concurrently | 10_000 | 24 | 69.207 ms |
| sharded_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 100_000 | 24 | 77.167 ms |
| concurrent_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 100_000 | 24 | 445.88 ms |
| crossbeam_queue_push_and_pop_concurrently | 100_000 | 24 | 434.00 ms |
| queue_mutex_push_and_pop_concurrently | 100_000 | 24 | 476.59 ms |
## Design explanation
`ShardedQueue` is designed to be used in some schedulers and `NonBlockingMutex`
as the most efficient collection under highest
concurrently and load
(concurrent stack can't outperform it, because, unlike queue, which
spreads `pop` and `push` contention between `front` and `back`,
stack `pop`-s from `back` and `push`-es to `back`,
which has double the contention over queue, while number of atomic increments
per `pop` or `push` is same as in queue)
`ShardedQueue` uses array of protected by separate `Mutex`-es queues(shards),
and atomically increments `head_index` or `tail_index` when `pop` or `push` happens,
and computes shard index for current operation by applying modulo operation to
`head_index` or `tail_index`
Modulo operation is optimized, knowing that
x % 2^n == x & (2^n - 1)
, so, as long as count of queues(shards) is a power of two,
we can compute modulo very efficiently using formula
operation_number % shard_count == operation_number & (shard_count - 1)
As long as count of queues(shards) is a power of two and
is greater than or equal to number of CPU-s,
and CPU-s spend ~same time in `push`/`pop` (time is ~same,
since it is amortized O(1)),
multiple CPU-s physically can't access same shards
simultaneously and we have best possible performance.
Synchronizing underlying non-concurrent queue costs only
- 1 additional atomic increment per `push` or `pop`
(incrementing `head_index` or `tail_index`)
- 1 additional `compare_and_swap` and 1 atomic store
(uncontended `Mutex` acquire and release)
- 1 cheap bit operation(to get modulo)
- 1 get from queue(shard) list by index
## Complex example
use sharded_queue::ShardedQueue;
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Formatter};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
pub struct NonBlockingMutex<'captured_variables, State: ?Sized> {
task_count: AtomicUsize,
task_queue: ShardedQueue) + Send + 'captured_variables>>,
unsafe_state: UnsafeCell,
/// [NonBlockingMutex] is needed to run actions atomically without thread blocking, or context
/// switch, or spin lock contention, or rescheduling on some scheduler
/// Notice that it uses [ShardedQueue] which doesn't guarantee order of retrieval, hence
/// [NonBlockingMutex] doesn't guarantee order of execution too, even of already added
/// items
impl<'captured_variables, State> NonBlockingMutex<'captured_variables, State> {
pub fn new(max_concurrent_thread_count: usize, state: State) -> Self {
Self {
task_count: AtomicUsize::new(0),
task_queue: ShardedQueue::new(max_concurrent_thread_count),
unsafe_state: UnsafeCell::new(state),
/// Please don't forget that order of execution is not guaranteed. Atomicity of operations is guaranteed,
/// but order can be random
pub fn run_if_first_or_schedule_on_first(
run_with_state: impl FnOnce(MutexGuard) + Send + 'captured_variables,
) {
if self.task_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Acquire) != 0 {
} else {
// If we acquired first lock, run should be executed immediately and run loop started
run_with_state(unsafe { MutexGuard::new(self) });
/// Note that if [`fetch_sub`] != 1
/// => some thread entered first if block in method
/// => [ShardedQueue::push_back] is guaranteed to be called
/// => [ShardedQueue::pop_front_or_spin_wait_item] will not deadlock while spins until it gets item
/// Notice that we run action first, and only then decrement count
/// with releasing(pushing) memory changes, even if it looks otherwise
while self.task_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) != 1 {
self.task_queue.pop_front_or_spin_wait_item()(unsafe { MutexGuard::new(self) });
/// [Send], [Sync], and [MutexGuard] logic was taken from [std::sync::Mutex]
/// and [std::sync::MutexGuard]
/// these are the only places where `T: Send` matters; all other
/// functionality works fine on a single thread.
unsafe impl<'captured_variables, State: ?Sized + Send> Send
for NonBlockingMutex<'captured_variables, State>
unsafe impl<'captured_variables, State: ?Sized + Send> Sync
for NonBlockingMutex<'captured_variables, State>
/// Code was mostly taken from [std::sync::MutexGuard], it is expected to protect [State]
/// from moving out of synchronized loop
pub struct MutexGuard<
State: ?Sized + 'non_blocking_mutex_ref,
> {
non_blocking_mutex: &'non_blocking_mutex_ref NonBlockingMutex<'captured_variables, State>,
/// Adding it to ensure that [MutexGuard] implements [Send] and [Sync] in same cases
/// as [std::sync::MutexGuard] and protects [State] from going out of synchronized
/// execution loop
/// todo remove when this error is no longer actual
/// negative trait bounds are not yet fully implemented; use marker types for now [E0658]
_phantom_unsend: PhantomData>,
// todo uncomment when this error is no longer actual
// negative trait bounds are not yet fully implemented; use marker types for now [E0658]
// impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized> !Send
// for MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
// {
// }
unsafe impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized + Sync> Sync
for MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized>
MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
unsafe fn new(
non_blocking_mutex: &'non_blocking_mutex_ref NonBlockingMutex<'captured_variables, State>,
) -> Self {
Self {
_phantom_unsend: PhantomData,
impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized> Deref
for MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
type Target = State;
fn deref(&self) -> &State {
unsafe { &*self.non_blocking_mutex.unsafe_state.get() }
impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized> DerefMut
for MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut State {
unsafe { &mut *self.non_blocking_mutex.unsafe_state.get() }
impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized + Debug> Debug
for MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
impl<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State: ?Sized + Display> Display
for MutexGuard<'captured_variables, 'non_blocking_mutex_ref, State>
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {