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This line was made after pressing decrease indent. http://sourceforge.net These are the colors listed in the color dropdown list - Black, White, Midnight Red, Red, Rose, Light Rose, Brown, Orange, Light Orange, Medium Yellow, Tan, Olive Green, Dark Yellow, Yellow, Light Yellow, Pastel Yellow, Dark Green, Green, Bright Green, Lime Green, Medium Green, Light Green, Midnight Teal, Teal, Turquoise, Medium Teal, Light Turquoise, Midnight Blue, Dark Blue, Blue, Medium Blue, Pale Blue, Dark Violet, Violet, Pink, Periwinkle, Lilac, Gray - 90%, Gray - 80%, Gray - 70%, Gray - 60%, Gray - 50%, Gray - 40%, Gray - 30%, Gray - 25% The default paragraph settings are: left indent 0", right indent 0", first line indent 0", left alignment, no bullets, auto spacing between lines, 0 lines spacing between lines. This paragraph has single line spacing between lines. This paragraph has single line spacing between lines. This paragraph has single line spacing between lines. 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(This paragraph is a blank spacer.) This paragraph has a left border. (This paragraph is a blank spacer.) This paragraph has a right border. (This paragraph is a blank spacer.) This paragraph has a blue, outline border. (This paragraph is a blank spacer.) This paragraph has a red, outline border. (This paragraph is a blank spacer.) This paragraph has a bold, outline border. (This paragraph is a blank spacer.) This paragraph has a double, outline border. (This paragraph is a blank spacer.) By default, this document has 1 column with 0.5" space between columns and a line between columns. In this application, the columns setting applies to the whole document. A page break follows this line. An end-of-line mark follows this line Following are some texts from http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/utf8.html which demonstrate characters not used in English. Please note that some translations did not copy and paste well. 1. English: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 2. Irish: "An fuil do cro ag buala  aitos an gr a Aeall lena Wg ada al do leasa k?" "D'uascail osa rAac na hige Beannaike pr ava agus aiA." 3. Dutch: Pa's w3ze lynx bezag vroom het fikse aquaduct. 4. German: Falsches ben von Xylophonmusik qult jeden greren Zwerg. (1) 5. German: Im finteren Jagdchlo am offenen Felsquellwaer patzte der affig-flatterhafte kauzig-hf liche Bcker ber einem verifften kniffligen C-Xylophon. (2) 6. Swedish: Flygande bckasiner ska strax hwila p mjuka tuvor. 7. Icelandic: Svr grt an v lpan var nt. 8. Polish: Pchn w t Bdz je|a lub o[m skrzyD fig. 9. Czech: PYlia ~lueou k koH pel belsk kdy. 10. Slovak: Star kH na hUbe knh ~uje tako povdnut ru~e, na st:pe sa ate> u  kvkae nov du o ~ivote. 11. Russian:  G0I0E N30 68;-1K; F8B@CA? 0, => D0;LH82K9 M:75<?;O@! QJ. 12. Bulgarian: J;B0B0 4N;O 15H5 I0AB;820, G5 ?CEJB, :>9B> FJD=0, 70<@J7=0 :0B> 3L>=. 13. Sami (Northern): Vuol Ruota geggiid leat mKga luosa ja uov~~a. 14. Hungarian: rvzturo tkrfrgp. 15. Spanish: El pingino Wenceslao hizo kilmetros bajo exhaustiva lluvia y fro, aoraba a su querido cachorro. 16. Portuguese: O prximo vo noite sobre o Atlntico, pe freqentemente o nico mdico. (3) 17. French: Les nafs githales htifs pondant Nol o il gle sont srs d'tre dus et de voir leurs drles d'Sufs abms. 18. Esperanto: Ehosango ciujaude. 19. Hebrew:           This is a page number code - # This is the date code - Friday, September 22, 2006 This is the time code - 6:40 PM # # This is a table heading This is also a table heading This is text in the table This is also text in the table. # This is a footnote in the document! # This is an endnote at the end of the document! note that some translations did n6(Nt LvNh > l . \ ^ d f j l  FH DFHj"~vnnddZ 4"5% 4" " " " " " " " " "|" " "|"j"$%&&&''X((x))d**P+6,8,,,nn4    !"1""1  2'( 7=  2'( 7_  2'( 7-  2'( 7.: 22'((    ) 70 2('(    )& 2'(    2'(  "PS"PS4"*,-V---*.r../V///:00021z12`3b344P5677899`::;B<<==>~?@@8A:AxAd@&   !"1""1  !")""1$  !"1""1#"%$  !"1""1#"%  !"1""1  !"1""1   !"1""1    !"1""1xAAB B$B(B*B,B.B^BBB CXCZCCC(2"'( ) @S Nrt X.z* " $ 08," $ 08," $ 082   " $ 08* " $ 08," $ 08* " $ 08* " $ 08(" $ 08  LvNvL"p. ")" $ 08. "PS" $ 08. "" $ 08(" $ 08*"  $ 08*"  $ 080"  $ 08."0"  $ 08."* " $ 08fh < . 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