use std::{ // cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap, ffi::OsStr, fs::{self, remove_file, File}, io::{self, BufReader, Read, Write}, path::PathBuf, }; ///Checks if an environment variable exists. macro_rules! check_env_flag { ($name:literal) => { match std::env::var($name) { Ok(_) => true, Err(_) => false, } }; } //This will likely always trigger because it just affects "pre-"compile time and not runtime fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { //Here we get a bunch of the env flags we need for evaluating what features are enabled let inline_fortune_flag = check_env_flag!("CARGO_FEATURE_INLINE_FORTUNE"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=CARGO_FEATURE_INLINE_FORTUNE"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=CARGO_FEATURE_INLINE_OFF_FORTUNE"); let inline_cowsay_flag = check_env_flag!("CARGO_FEATURE_INLINE_COWSAY"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=CARGO_FEATURE_INLINE_COWSAY"); let force_download_flag = check_env_flag!("FORCE_DOWNLOAD"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=FORCE_DOWNLOAD"); let use_default_flag = check_env_flag!("USE_DEFAULT_RESOURCES"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=USE_DEFAULT_RESOURCES"); let cow_path_exists = check_env_flag!("COW_PATH"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=COW_PATH"); let fortune_file_exists = check_env_flag!("FORTUNE_FILE"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=FORTUNE_FILE"); let fortune_path_exists = check_env_flag!("FORTUNE_PATH"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=FORTUNE_PATH"); let config: BuildConfig = get_config()?; println!("{:#?}", &config); //Download Resources if inline_cowsay_flag { if use_default_flag || !cow_path_exists { get_source_archive(&config.cowsay.url, "cowsay", force_download_flag)?; extract_resources( "target/downloads/", &config.cowsay.internal_path, "target/resources/cowsay", &config.cowsay.exclude, )?; } generate_cowsay_source()?; } if inline_fortune_flag { if use_default_flag || (!fortune_file_exists && !fortune_path_exists) { get_source_archive(&config.fortune_mod.url, "fortune", force_download_flag)?; extract_resources( "target/downloads/", &config.fortune_mod.internal_path, "target/resources/fortune", &config.fortune_mod.exclude, )?; } create_fortune_db(&config.settings)?; } Ok(()) } macro_rules! illegal_file_suffixes { ($($ext:literal),*) => { [ $(std::ffi::OsStr::new($ext)),* ] }; } ///Checks if the directory exists. If it doesn't, it creates it macro_rules! check_dir_exists { ($path:expr) => { if let Err(_) = std::fs::read_dir($path) { std::fs::create_dir($path)? } }; } fn create_fortune_db(settings: &BuildSettings) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { /*************************************** * Function Definitions (Because this is easier to fold) ***************************************/ fn get_fortune_strings(path: &PathBuf, is_offensive: bool) -> (String, String) { let illegal_file_suffixes: [&OsStr; 16] = illegal_file_suffixes!( "dat", "pos", "c", "h", "p", "i", "f", "pas", "ftn", "ins.c", "ins.pas", "ins.ftn", "sml", "sh", "pl", "csv" ); let mut fortune_buf = String::new(); let mut off_fortune_buf = String::new(); let dir_list = fs::read_dir(path).expect("Could not open directory"); for entry in dir_list.filter(|item| { !illegal_file_suffixes.contains( &item .as_ref() .unwrap() .path() .extension() .unwrap_or_default(), ) && //Additional condition to ignore the CMakeLists.txt file specifically in fortune-mod !item.as_ref().unwrap().path().ends_with("CMakeLists.txt") }) { match entry { Ok(item) => match item.metadata().unwrap().is_dir() { true => { if item.file_name() == "off" { off_fortune_buf = off_fortune_buf + get_fortune_strings(&item.path(), true).1.as_str(); } else { let (fortunes, off_fortunes) = get_fortune_strings(&item.path(), is_offensive); fortune_buf = fortune_buf + fortunes.as_str(); off_fortune_buf = off_fortune_buf + off_fortunes.as_str(); } } false => match File::open(item.path()) { Ok(mut file) => { let mut buf = String::new(); let _ = file.read_to_string(&mut buf); match is_offensive { true => off_fortune_buf = off_fortune_buf + buf.as_str(), false => fortune_buf = fortune_buf + buf.as_str(), }; } Err(_) => panic!( "Could not open a fortune file for copying into internal buffers" ), }, }, Err(e) => panic!("Could not identify a file in the fortune directory {e}"), } } (fortune_buf, off_fortune_buf) } ///Function used for the filter iterators fn check_fortune_constraints( element: &&str, max_width: &Option, max_lines: &Option, ) -> bool { (match max_width { Some(val) => element .split("\n") .reduce(|acc, e| if e.len() > acc.len(){e} else {acc}) .expect("Could not split the chosen string for constraint validation") .len() <= *val as usize, None => true, }) //You can do this yes very cool &&(match max_lines { Some(val) => { element.chars().fold(0, |acc, e| match e == '\n' { true => acc + 1, false => acc, }) <= *val } None => true, }) } fn gen_fortune_db( path: String, max_width: &Option, max_lines: &Option, ) -> Result<(), io::Error> { println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={path}"); let mut concat_fortunes: String; let off_concat_fortunes: String; match fs::metadata(&path)?.is_file() { true => { //Assume file contains only non-offensive fortunes match File::open(&path) { Ok(mut file) => { concat_fortunes = String::new(); let _ = file.read_to_string(&mut concat_fortunes)?; off_concat_fortunes = String::new(); } Err(_) => panic!("Could not read specified file defined by FORTUNE_FILE"), } } false => { let (fortune_list, offensive_list) = get_fortune_strings(&PathBuf::from(path), false); concat_fortunes = fortune_list.replace("\r\n", "\n"); off_concat_fortunes = offensive_list.replace("\r\n", "\n"); } } //TODO probably need to pass settings as param no closure capture here let fortunes_split: Vec<&str> = concat_fortunes .split("\n%\n") .filter(|element| check_fortune_constraints(element, max_width, max_lines)) .collect(); let num_fortunes = fortunes_split.len(); let off_fortunes_split: Vec<&str> = off_concat_fortunes .split("\n%\n") .filter(|element| check_fortune_constraints(element, max_width, max_lines)) .collect(); let num_off_fortunes = off_fortunes_split.len(); let fortune_arr = quote::quote! { const FORTUNE_LIST: [&'static str; #num_fortunes] = [ #(#fortunes_split) ,* ]; }; let off_fortune_arr = quote::quote! { const OFF_FORTUNE_LIST: [&'static str; #num_off_fortunes] = [ #(#off_fortunes_split) ,* ]; }; match File::create("target/generated_sources/") { Ok(mut file) => { let _ = file.write_all(fortune_arr.to_string().as_bytes())?; if check_env_flag!("CARGO_FEATURE_INLINE_OFF_FORTUNE") { let _ = file.write_all(off_fortune_arr.to_string().as_bytes())?; } } Err(err) => panic!("Could not concatenate fortunes into single file: {err}"), } Ok(()) } /*************************************** * The actual build steps ***************************************/ check_dir_exists!("target/resources"); check_dir_exists!("target/generated_sources"); if check_env_flag!("USE_DEFAULT_RESOURCES") || (!check_env_flag!("FORTUNE_FILE") && !(check_env_flag!("FORTUNE_PATH"))) { gen_fortune_db( String::from("target/resources/fortune"), &settings.max_width, &settings.max_lines, ) } else { if let Ok(val) = std::env::var("FORTUNE_FILE") { println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={val}"); gen_fortune_db(val, &settings.max_width, &settings.max_lines) } else if let Ok(val) = std::env::var("FORTUNE_PATH") { println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={val}"); gen_fortune_db(val, &settings.max_width, &settings.max_lines) } else { panic!("Unexpected else branch hit toward end of create_fortune_db") } } } fn generate_cowsay_source() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { /*************************************** * Function Definitions (Because this is easier to fold) ***************************************/ fn get_cow_data(path: &PathBuf) -> Result, io::Error> { let mut total_list: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let dir_list = fs::read_dir(path)?; for entry in dir_list { match entry { Ok(item) => match item.metadata()?.is_dir() { true => { let _ = get_cow_data(&item.path())?.iter_mut().map(|(k, v)| { total_list.insert(k.clone(), v.clone()); }); } false => { if item.path().extension().unwrap() == "cow" { let key = item .file_name() .to_str() .unwrap() .to_string() .replace(".cow", ""); match File::open(item.path()) { Ok(mut file) => { let mut value = String::new(); let _ = file.read_to_string(&mut value)?; total_list.insert(key, value); } Err(e) => { panic!( "Could not open a cow for inlining: {} {e}", item.path().display() ) } } } } }, Err(e) => return Err(e), } } Ok(total_list) } fn make_source( cow_data: HashMap, ) -> Result { let keys = cow_data.keys().into_iter().map(|key| key.clone()); let vals = cow_data .keys() .into_iter() .map(|key| cow_data.get(key).unwrap().clone()); let len = keys.len(); let test = quote::quote! { const COW_DATA: [(&'static str, &'static str); #len] = [ #( (#keys, #vals) ),* ]; }; Ok(test) } /*************************************** * Actual Start of Build Steps ***************************************/ check_dir_exists!("target/generated_sources"); let cowpath: PathBuf; if check_env_flag!("USE_DEFAULT_RESOURCES") || !check_env_flag!("COW_PATH") { cowpath = PathBuf::from("target/resources/cowsay"); } else { let path = std::env::var("COW_PATH").unwrap(); println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed={path}"); cowpath = PathBuf::from(path.as_str()); } let cow_data = get_cow_data(&cowpath)?; let tokenstream = make_source(cow_data)?; match File::create("target/generated_sources/") { Ok(mut file) => { let _ = file.write_all(tokenstream.to_string().as_bytes())?; } Err(err) => panic!("Could not concatenate fortunes into single file: {err}"), } Ok(()) } /************************************************/ /**************Resource Functions****************/ /************************************************/ ///Function to download a file via a synchronous call to a process /// specific to the OS. /// /// This function will always expect a ZIP file to be downloaded, and it will be /// to `/target/downloads`. fn get_source_archive( path: &str, resource_name: &str, force_download: bool, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let downloads_path = String::from("target/downloads"); check_dir_exists!(downloads_path.as_str()); //Short circuit if we aren't force-redownloading and the resource exists match fs::metadata(format!("{downloads_path}/{resource_name}.zip").as_str()) { Ok(_) if force_download => { remove_file(format!("{downloads_path}/{resource_name}.zip").as_str())?; } Ok(_) => { return Ok(()); //Short Circuit } Err(_) => (), }; let os = std::env::consts::FAMILY; let mut proc = match os { "windows" => { let mut p = std::process::Command::new("powershell.exe"); p.args(&[ "-NoLogo", "-NoProfile", "-Command", format!("Invoke-RestMethod {path} -OutFile {downloads_path}/{resource_name}.zip") .as_str(), ]); p }, "unix" => { let mut p = std::process::Command::new("curl"); p.args(&[ "-L", path, "--output", format!("{downloads_path}/{resource_name}.zip").as_str() ]); p }, _ => panic!("Are you being special and building this on a non-standard operating system. \ Good for you. But I can't figure out what command to use for downloading files. \ Consider modifying the get_external_resource function in since you are similar enough to an Arch Linux user :p") }; proc.spawn()?.wait()?; Ok(()) } fn extract_resources( archive: &str, internal_path: &str, destination: &str, exclude: &Option>, ) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { match fs::read_dir("target/tmp") { Ok(_) => { fs::remove_dir_all("target/tmp")?; fs::create_dir("target/tmp")?; } Err(_) => fs::create_dir("target/tmp")?, }; if let Err(_) = fs::read_dir("target/resources") { fs::create_dir("target/resources")? } match fs::read_dir(destination) { Ok(_) => { fs::remove_dir_all(destination)?; fs::create_dir(destination)?; } Err(_) => fs::create_dir(destination)?, }; let archive_file = match File::open(archive) { Ok(file) => BufReader::new(file), Err(_) => panic!("Could not doo this"), }; let mut zip_archive = zip::ZipArchive::new(archive_file)?; zip_archive.extract("target/tmp")?; let resource_path = format!("target/tmp/{internal_path}"); let copy_opts = fs_extra::dir::CopyOptions::new().overwrite(true); let resource_list: Vec = fs::read_dir(resource_path)? .filter(|file| { if let Some(exclude_list) = exclude { !exclude_list.contains( &file .as_ref() .expect("Could not get metadata for some of the resources") .file_name() .clone() .into_string() .unwrap(), ) } else { true } }) .map(|file| { file.expect("Could not get metadata for some of the resources") .path() }) .collect(); let _ = fs_extra::copy_items(resource_list.as_slice(), destination, ©_opts) .expect("Could not copy resources as expected!"); Ok(()) } /************************************************/ /**************Configuration Functions***********/ /************************************************/ #[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)] struct ResourceConfig { #[serde(rename = "source-zip-url")] pub url: String, #[serde(rename = "resource-location")] pub internal_path: String, pub exclude: Option>, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)] struct BuildSettings { #[serde(rename = "max-fortune-line-len")] pub max_width: Option, #[serde(rename = "max-fortune-lines")] pub max_lines: Option, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize, Debug)] struct BuildConfig { pub cowsay: ResourceConfig, #[serde(rename = "fortune-mod")] pub fortune_mod: ResourceConfig, pub settings: BuildSettings, } fn get_config() -> Result { use std::io::Read; println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed=./BuildConfig.toml"); match File::open("./BuildConfig.toml") { Ok(mut file) => { let mut buf = String::new(); let _ = file.read_to_string(&mut buf); Ok( toml::from_str(buf.as_str()) .expect("BuildConfig.toml was in an unexpected format!"), ) } Err(_) => { panic!("Could not open the BuildConfig.toml in repository root. Did something happen?") } } }