# shell2batch [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/shell2batch.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/shell2batch) [![CI](https://github.com/sagiegurari/shell2batch/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://github.com/sagiegurari/shell2batch/actions) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/sagiegurari/shell2batch/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/sagiegurari/shell2batch)
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[![Built with cargo-make](https://sagiegurari.github.io/cargo-make/assets/badges/cargo-make.svg)](https://sagiegurari.github.io/cargo-make) > Coverts simple basic shell scripts to windows batch scripts. * [Overview](#overview) * [Usage](#usage) * [Installation](#installation) * [API Documentation](https://sagiegurari.github.io/shell2batch/) * [Contributing](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) * [Release History](CHANGELOG.md) * [License](#license) ## Overview While it is not really possible to take every shell script and automatically convert it to a windows batch file, this library provides a way to convert simple basic shell commands to windows batch commands.
The original goal of this library is to provide users of [cargo-make](https://sagiegurari.github.io/cargo-make/) a way to write simple tasks with shell scripts without duplicating their code for each platform.

It is possible to provide custom conversion hints by using the **# shell2batch:** prefix (see below example). ## Usage Simply include the library and invoke the convert function as follows: ```rust fn main() { let script = shell2batch::convert( r#" set -x export FILE1=file1 export FILE2=file2 #this is some test code cp ${FILE1} $FILE2 cp -r ${DIR1} $DIR2 #another mv file2 file3 export MY_DIR=directory #flags are supported rm -Rf ${MY_DIR} unset MY_DIR touch ./file3 #provide custom windows command for specific shell command complex_bash_command --flag1 value2 # shell2batch: complex_windows_command /flag10 windows_value "#, ); assert_eq!( script, r#" @echo on set FILE1=file1 set FILE2=file2 @REM this is some test code copy %FILE1% %FILE2% xcopy /E %DIR1% %DIR2% @REM another move file2 file3 set MY_DIR=directory @REM flags are supported rmdir /S /Q %MY_DIR% set MY_DIR= copy /B .\file3+,, .\file3 @REM provide custom windows command for specific shell command complex_windows_command /flag10 windows_value "# ); println!("Script: {}", script); } ``` ## Installation In order to use this library, just add it as a dependency: ```ini [dependencies] shell2batch = "^0.4.5" ``` ## API Documentation See full docs at: [API Docs](https://sagiegurari.github.io/shell2batch/) ## Contributing See [contributing guide](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Release History See [Changelog](CHANGELOG.md) ## License Developed by Sagie Gur-Ari and licensed under the Apache 2 open source license.