[package] name = "shellfirm" description = "`shellfirm` will intercept any risky patterns (default or defined by you) and prompt you a small challenge for double verification, kinda like a captcha for your terminal." version = "0.2.10" edition = "2021" authors = ["Elad-Kaplan "] license = "MIT" readme = "../README.md" repository = "https://github.com/kaplanelad/shellfirm" homepage = "https://github.com/kaplanelad/shellfirm" build = "build.rs" # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [dependencies] clap = { version = "3", features = ["cargo"], optional = true } dirs = "4.0" anyhow = "1.0.51" serde = "1.0" serde_yaml = "0.8.21" serde_derive = "1.0.131" serde_regex = "1.1.0" regex = "1.5" rayon = "1.5.1" rand = "0.8.4" log = "0.4.14" env_logger = "0.9.0" console = "^0.15.0" exitcode = "^1.1.2" lazy_static = "1.4.0" requestty = "0.4.1" strum = { version = "0.21", features = ["derive"] } [dev-dependencies] insta = { version = "1.20.0", features = ["filters"] } tempdir = "0.3" itertools = "0.10.5" [build-dependencies] anyhow = "1.0.51" [features] default = ["cli"] # list optionals here: cli = ["clap"] [[bin]] name = "shellfirm" required-features = ["cli"]