{ ".README": { "fields": { "rq": "rq query to be substituted into \"jq '.[] | select($rq) | .filename\" corpus.json'\", e.g. \"jq '.[] | select(.json.prefixes) | .filename' corpus.json\"", "expect": "at least these files should match the rq query" } }, "prefix": { "rq": ".json.prefixes", "expect": [ "1dotLNdefault", "1dotLNex-HYPHEN_MINUS", "1dotLNex", "1dotLNexComment", "1dotNS2", "1dotNS2Comment", "1dotNSdefault", "1dotRefLNex1", "1dotRefNS1", "1dotRefSpaceLNex1", "1dotRefSpaceNS1", "1val1LNDatatype", "3groupdotExtra3NLex", "_all", "kitchenSink" ] }, "empty shape": { "rq": "..|select((.type==\"Shape\") and (.expression | not))?", "expect": [ "0" ] }, "NC AND Shape": { "rq": "..|select(.type==\"ShapeAnd\"? and (.shapeExprs[].type==\"ShapeRef\") and (.shapeExprs[].nodeKind==\"bnode\"))", "expect": [ "1bnodeRef1", "1bnodeRefORRefMinlength", "_all", "kitchenSink" ] }, "NC with 0 constraints": { "rq": "..|select(.type==\"NodeConstraint\")? | length == 1", "expect": 0 }, "NC with 1 constraints": { "rq": "..|select(.type==\"NodeConstraint\")? | length == 2", "expect": 96 }, "NC with 2 constraints": { "rq": "..|select(.type==\"NodeConstraint\")? | length == 3", "expect": 151 }, "NC with 3 constraints": { "rq": "..|select(.type==\"NodeConstraint\")? | length == 4", "expect": 1 }, "NC with 4 constraints": { "rq": "..|select(.type==\"NodeConstraint\")? | length == 5", "expect": 0 }, ".junk": [ "datatype", "fractiondigits", "length", "maxexclusive", "maxinclusive", "maxlength", "minexclusive", "mininclusive", "minlength", "nodeKind", "pattern", "totaldigits", "values" ] }