# sample manifests This folder contains a sample manifest repository setup. ```sh ├── shipcat.conf ├── charts │   └── base/... └── services    ├── blog    │   └── shipcat.yml    └── webapp    └── shipcat.yml ``` ## Cluster setup Start minikube, and prepare an `apps` namespace: ```sh minikube start kubectl config set-context --cluster=minikube --user=minikube --namespace=apps minikube kubectl create namespace apps ``` ## Shipcat Usage From this folder, you can then: Check completed manifest: ```sh shipcat values webapp ``` Check generated kube yaml: ```sh shipcat template webapp ``` ## Set up tiller We set up a somewhat restricted tiller in the `apps` namespace: ```sh kubectl apply -f tiller.yml ``` ## Deploying You can deploy services to the cluster: ```sh shipcat apply blog ``` If you would like to deploy using `kubectl`, or drop `tiller`, you could apply directly: ```sh shipcat template -s blog | kubectl apply --prune -lapp=blog -f - ``` The rest of this example guide does rely on tiller somewhat though. ## Using secrets Let's set up a simulated vault for our kube cluster: ```sh docker run --cap-add=IPC_LOCK -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot' -e 'VAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS=' -p 8200:8200 -d --rm --name vault vault:0.11.3 export VAULT_ADDR= export VAULT_TOKEN=myroot vault secrets disable secret vault secrets enable -version=1 -path=secret kv ``` and a simulated database for a `webapp`: ``` helm --tiller-namespace=apps install --set postgresUser=clux,postgresPassword=pw,postgresDatabase=webapp -n=webapp-pg stable/postgresql ``` Then we can write the external`DATABASE_URL` for `webapp`: ```sh vault write secret/minikube/webapp/DATABASE_URL value=postgres://clux:pw@webapp-pg-postgresql.apps.svc.cluster.local/webapp ``` You can verify that `shipcat` picks up on this via: `shipcat values -s webapp`. Finally, let's deploy `webapp`! ```sh export SLACK_SHIPCAT_HOOK_URL=https://hooks.slack.com/services/..... export SLACK_SHIPCAT_CHANNEL=#test shipcat apply webapp ``` The evars are used to send upgrade notifications to slack hooks (if they are valid). ## Cluster reconcile Let's pretend that our cluster died: ```sh helm --tiller-namespace=apps del --purge webapp helm --tiller-namespace=apps del --purge blog ``` then we can respond with: ```sh shipcat cluster helm reconcile ``` ## Verifying You can hit your api by port-forwarding to it: ```sh kubectl port-forward deployment/webapp 8000 curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"title": "hello", "body": "world"}' curl -s -X GET "" ```