// An example how to seach common structs/enums and to store found data structures // in a separate file to avoid duplicates. use shm_rs::static_scheme::generator::RustCode; use shm_rs::static_scheme::init; use shm_rs::RustCodeDerives; fn main() { let curdir = std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); println!("{}", curdir.display()); // init parser instance let schm = init::SchemeInit::new_with_path(curdir).unwrap(); // read a static scheme which describes our data structures i.e files filters.shm and logsmon.shm let mut res = schm.run_from_file("examples/common_search/filters.shm", None).unwrap(); res.merge(schm.run_from_file("examples/common_search/logsmon.shm", None).unwrap()); // get our serializator instance which was parsed from static file let resser = res.get("filters").unwrap().clone(); // creating new `RustCode` instance where the data structs from serializator `filters` will be placed let mut rc1 = RustCode::new(vec![RustCodeDerives::Debug], vec![], None); resser.generate_rust_code(&mut rc1).unwrap(); // creating new `RustCode` instance where the data structs from serializator `logsmon` will be placed let resser = res.get("logsmon").unwrap().clone(); let mut rc2 = RustCode::new(vec![RustCodeDerives::Debug], vec![], None); resser.generate_rust_code(&mut rc2).unwrap(); println!("after removing commons"); // search for common structs/enums between RustCode instances for filter.shm and logsmon.shm let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let com_res = RustCode::search_common("super::structs::struct_common", vec!(&mut rc1, &mut rc2), vec![RustCodeDerives::Debug], vec![], None); let s = t.elapsed(); println!("time taken: {:?}", s); println!("{}", rc1); println!("{}", rc2); // if something was found, then it will be stored in inner type of Option if com_res.is_some() == true { let com = com_res.unwrap(); println!("Common structs: \n\n{}", com); assert_eq!(com.contains("LdFilterSets"), true); } }