use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; fn generate_piece_consts(dest_file: &mut fs::File) -> std::io::Result<()> { dest_file.write_all( b"use crate::{Color, Piece, PieceKind}; // Constants in Piece #[doc(hidden)] impl Piece { ", )?; let color_table = [("B", "Black"), ("W", "White")]; let piece_table = [ ("P", "Pawn"), ("L", "Lance"), ("N", "Knight"), ("S", "Silver"), ("G", "Gold"), ("B", "Bishop"), ("R", "Rook"), ("K", "King"), ("PP", "ProPawn"), ("PL", "ProLance"), ("PN", "ProKnight"), ("PS", "ProSilver"), ("PB", "ProBishop"), ("PR", "ProRook"), ]; for (color_short_name, color_ident) in color_table { for (piece_short_name, piece_ident) in piece_table { writeln!( dest_file, " pub const {}_{}: Piece = Piece::new(PieceKind::{}, Color::{});", color_short_name, piece_short_name, piece_ident, color_ident, )?; } } dest_file.write_all( b"} /// Constants of type [`Piece`]. pub mod piece { use super::*; ", )?; for (color_short_name, color_ident) in color_table { for (piece_short_name, piece_ident) in piece_table { writeln!( dest_file, " /// Also available as `Piece::{}_{}`. pub const {}_{}: Piece = Piece::new(PieceKind::{}, Color::{});", color_short_name, piece_short_name, color_short_name, piece_short_name, piece_ident, color_ident, )?; } } dest_file.write_all(b"}\n")?; Ok(()) } fn generate_square_consts(dest_file: &mut fs::File) -> std::io::Result<()> { writeln!( dest_file, "use crate::Square; // Constants in Square #[doc(hidden)] impl Square {{" )?; for index in 0..81 { let file = index / 9 + 1; let rank = index % 9; writeln!( dest_file, " pub const SQ_{}{}: Square = unsafe {{ Square::from_u8_unchecked({}) }};", file, (rank + b'A') as char, index + 1, )?; } dest_file.write_all( b"} /// Constants of type [`Square`]. pub mod square { use super::Square; ", )?; for index in 0..81 { let file = index / 9 + 1; let rank = index % 9; write!( dest_file, " /// Also available as `Square::SQ_{}{}`. pub const SQ_{}{}: Square = unsafe {{ Square::from_u8_unchecked({}) }}; ", file, (rank + b'A') as char, file, (rank + b'A') as char, index + 1, )?; } dest_file.write_all(b"}\n")?; Ok(()) } fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut dest_file = fs::File::create(dest_path)?; generate_piece_consts(&mut dest_file)?; let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(""); let mut dest_file = fs::File::create(dest_path)?; generate_square_consts(&mut dest_file)?; println!(""); Ok(()) }