schema { query: Input mutation: MutationRoot } """ Exactly one field of input must be provided, and all others omitted. """ directive @oneOf on INPUT_OBJECT """ Represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String, but it is not intended to be human-readable. Example value: `"gid://shopify/Product/10079785100"` """ scalar ID """ A void type that can be used to return a null value from a mutation. """ scalar Void """ The input object for the function. """ type Input { id: ID! num: Int name: String country: CountryCode } """ The root mutation for the API. """ type MutationRoot { """ Handles the function result. """ handleResult( """ The result of the function. """ result: FunctionResult! ): Void! } """ The result of the function. """ input FunctionResult { name: String country: CountryCode } enum CountryCode { AC CA }