# show-simplex-rs A CLI that displays an animated ASCII [simplex noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex_noise) field in your terminal. This repo is a Rust re-implementation of [my Node show-simplex package](https://github.com/neefrehman/show-simplex-cli/). ## npx execution Run the below commands in your terminal to install and execute `show-simplex`. ([install Rust and Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html) if you haven't already). ```shell cargo install show-simplex ``` ```shell show-simplex ``` screen recording ## Alternate visualisations `show-simplex` also has two alternative visualisations of the simplex noise field: `block` and `number`. To see them, use the appropriate command flags below. ```shell show-simplex -a # or --angle ``` ```shell show-simplex -n # or --number ``` ## License This package is [MIT Licensed](https://github.com/neefrehman/show-simplex/blob/master/LICENSE).