use shuttle::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, AtomicU32, Ordering}; use shuttle::sync::mpsc::{channel, sync_channel}; use shuttle::sync::{Barrier, Condvar, Mutex, Once, RwLock}; use shuttle::{check_dfs, check_pct, check_random, current, thread}; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::Arc; use test_log::test; pub fn me() -> usize { usize::from(thread::current().id()) } #[track_caller] pub fn check_clock(f: impl Fn(usize, u32) -> bool) { for (i, &c) in current::clock().iter().enumerate() { assert!( f(i, c), "clock {:?} doesn't satisfy predicate at {}", current::clock(), i ); } } fn clock_mutex(num_threads: usize) { // This test checks that when a thread acquires a lock, it inherits the vector clocks of // threads that accessed the lock before it. // // Test: create a mutex-protected set, initialized with 0 (the id of the main thread) // and spawn N threads where each thread does the following: // (1) check that its own initial vector clock only has nonzero for the creator (thread 0) // this checks that when a thread is created, it only inherits the clock of the spawner // (2) lock the set and add its own thread id to it; let the resulting set be S // (3) read its own clock again, call this C // (4) check that the only nonzero entries in C are for the threads in S // For sanity checking, we also spawn an initial dummy thread (with id 1) and ensure that its // clock is always 0. let mut set = HashSet::new(); set.insert(0); let set = Arc::new(Mutex::new(set)); // Create dummy thread (should have id 1) thread::spawn(|| { assert_eq!(me(), 1usize); }); let threads = (0..num_threads) .map(|_| { let set = Arc::clone(&set); thread::spawn(move || { check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); let mut set = set.lock().unwrap(); set.insert(me()); assert!(!set.contains(&1)); // dummy thread is never in the set check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == set.contains(&i)); }) }) .collect::>(); for thd in threads { thd.join().unwrap(); } assert_eq!(set.lock().unwrap().len(), 1 + num_threads); // +1 because we initialized the set to {0} } #[test] fn clock_mutex_dfs() { check_dfs(|| clock_mutex(2), None); } #[test] fn clock_mutex_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_mutex(20), 1000, 3); } // RWLocks fn clock_rwlock(num_writers: usize, num_readers: usize) { // This test checks that when a thread acquires a RwLock, it inherits the clocks of writers that // accessed the lock before it. It's the same as `clock_mutex`, except that readers don't update // the set S, and aren't required to appear in the clock for future lock holders. // // TODO this test is pretty weak. Testing readers is hard because they race with each other; for // example, a reader might see the clock update from another reader before that reader has a // chance to update the set S. Causality is also pretty fuzzy for readers (see the TODOs in the // RwLock implementation). So we don't test very much about them here. let set = Arc::new(std::sync::Mutex::new(HashSet::from([0]))); let lock = Arc::new(RwLock::new(())); // Create dummy thread (should have id 1) thread::spawn(|| { assert_eq!(me(), 1usize); }); // Spawn the writers let _thds = (0..num_writers) .map(|_| { let set = Arc::clone(&set); let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); thread::spawn(move || { check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); let _guard = lock.write().unwrap(); let mut set = set.lock().unwrap(); set.insert(me()); assert!(!set.contains(&1)); // dummy thread is never in the set check_clock(|i, c| !set.contains(&i) || (c > 0)); }) }) .collect::>(); // Spawn the readers let _thds = (0..num_readers) .map(|_| { let set = Arc::clone(&set); let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); thread::spawn(move || { check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); let _guard =; let set = set.lock().unwrap(); assert!(!set.contains(&1)); // dummy thread is never in the set check_clock(|i, c| !set.contains(&i) || (c > 0)); }) }) .collect::>(); } #[test] fn clock_rwlock_dfs() { // Unfortunately anything larger than this takes > 500k iterations, too slow to be useful :( // But the PCT and random tests below buy us a much bigger search. check_dfs(|| clock_rwlock(1, 1), None); } #[test] fn clock_rwlock_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_rwlock(4, 4), 10_000, 3); } #[test] fn clock_rwlock_random() { check_random(|| clock_rwlock(4, 4), 10_000); } // Barrier fn clock_barrier(n: usize) { // This test checks that threads waiting on a barrier inherit the clocks from all the other participants in the barrier. // // The test creates a barrier with bound n and creates n threads (including the main thread). // Each thread initially checks that its clock is nonzero only for the main thread, and then waits on the barrier. // When it exits the barrier, each thread checks that its current clock is nonzero for all threads. // For sanity checking, we also spawn a dummy thread and check that its clock entry is always 0. let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(n)); // Create dummy thread (should have id 1) thread::spawn(|| { assert_eq!(me(), 1usize); }); let _thds = (0..n - 1) .map(|_| { let barrier = Arc::clone(&barrier); thread::spawn(move || { check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); barrier.wait(); // Since all threads reached the barrier, everyone's clock must be nonzero // except the dummy, whose clock must be 0 check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i != 1)); }); }) .collect::>(); barrier.wait(); // Since all threads reached the barrier, everyone's clock must be nonzero, except for the dummy check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i != 1)); } #[test] fn clock_barrier_dfs() { check_dfs(|| clock_barrier(4), None); } #[test] fn clock_barrier_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_barrier(50), 1000, 3); } // Condvars #[test] fn clock_condvar_single() { check_dfs( || { let lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false)); let cond = Arc::new(Condvar::new()); { let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); let cond = Arc::clone(&cond); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 1); *lock.lock().unwrap() = true; cond.notify_one(); }); } let mut guard = lock.lock().unwrap(); while !*guard { check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); // spawned thread has not executed notify_one guard = cond.wait(guard).unwrap(); } check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0 || i == 1)); }, None, ) } fn clock_condvar_notify_one(num_notifiers: usize, num_waiters: usize) { let lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0usize)); let cond = Arc::new(Condvar::new()); for _ in 0..num_notifiers { let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); let cond = Arc::clone(&cond); thread::spawn(move || { assert!(me() <= num_notifiers); *lock.lock().unwrap() = me(); cond.notify_one(); }); } for _ in 0..num_waiters { let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); let cond = Arc::clone(&cond); thread::spawn(move || { let mut guard = lock.lock().unwrap(); while *guard == 0 { check_clock(|i, c| !(i >= 1 && i <= num_notifiers) || (c == 0)); // no notifier has gone yet guard = cond.wait(guard).unwrap(); } // Note that since all the threads touch the lock, any of them may have preceded this thread. // But we know for sure that the thread that unblocked us should causally precede us. check_clock(|i, c| (i != *guard) || (c > 0)); }); } } #[test] fn clock_condvar_notify_one_dfs() { check_dfs(|| clock_condvar_notify_one(1, 1), None); } #[test] fn clock_condvar_notify_one_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_condvar_notify_one(10, 10), 10_000, 3); } fn clock_condvar_notify_all(num_waiters: usize) { let lock = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0usize)); let cond = Arc::new(Condvar::new()); { let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); let cond = Arc::clone(&cond); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 1); *lock.lock().unwrap() = me(); cond.notify_all(); }); } for _ in 0..num_waiters { let lock = Arc::clone(&lock); let cond = Arc::clone(&cond); thread::spawn(move || { let mut guard = lock.lock().unwrap(); while *guard == 0 { check_clock(|i, c| (i != 1) || (c == 0)); // notifier hasn't been scheduled guard = cond.wait(guard).unwrap(); } // Note that since all the threads touch the lock, any of them may have preceded this thread. // But we know for sure that the thread that unblocked us should causally precede us. check_clock(|i, c| (i != *guard) || (c > 0)); }); } } #[test] fn clock_condvar_notify_all_dfs() { check_dfs(|| clock_condvar_notify_all(2), None); } #[test] fn clock_condvar_notify_all_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_condvar_notify_all(20), 10_000, 3); } // MPSC Channels #[test] fn clock_mpsc_unbounded() { const NUM_MSG: usize = 3; check_dfs( || { let (tx, rx) = channel::(); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 1); for i in 0..NUM_MSG { tx.send(i).unwrap(); } }); for _ in 0..NUM_MSG { let c1 = current::clock().get(1); // save clock of thread 1 let _ = rx.recv().unwrap(); check_clock(|i, c| (i != 1) || (c > c1)); // thread 1's clock increased } }, None, ); } #[test] fn clock_mpsc_bounded() { const BOUND: usize = 3; check_dfs( || { let (tx, rx) = sync_channel::<()>(BOUND); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 1); for _ in 0..BOUND { tx.send(()).unwrap(); } // At this point the sender doesn't know about the receiver check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0 || i == 1)); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Here, we know the receiver picked up the 1st message, so its clock is nonzero let c1 = current::clock().get(2); assert!(c1 > 0); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Here, we know that the receiver picked up the 2nd message, so its clock has increased assert!(current::clock().get(2) > c1); }); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 2); // Receiver doesn't know about the sender yet check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); rx.recv().unwrap(); // The sender has sent a message, so its clock is nonzero let c1 = current::clock().get(1); assert!(c1 > 0); rx.recv().unwrap(); // The sender has sent another message, so its clock has increased assert!(current::clock().get(2) > c1); // Receive the remaining messages for _ in 0..BOUND { rx.recv().unwrap(); } }); }, None, ); } #[test] fn clock_mpsc_rendezvous() { check_dfs( || { let (tx, rx) = sync_channel::<()>(0); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 1); // At this point the sender doesn't know about the receiver check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // Since this is a rendezvous channel, and we successfully sent a message, we know about the receiver let c1 = current::clock().get(2); assert!(c1 > 0); tx.send(()).unwrap(); // After the 2nd rendezvous, the receiver's clock has increased assert!(current::clock().get(2) > c1); }); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), 2); // At this point the receiver doesn't know about the sender check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); rx.recv().unwrap(); // Since we received a message, we know about the sender let c1 = current::clock().get(1); assert!(c1 > 0); rx.recv().unwrap(); // After the 2nd rendezvous, the sender's clock has increased assert!(current::clock().get(1) > c1); }); }, None, ); } // Threads fn clock_threads(num_threads: usize) { // Use an AtomicBool to create a synchronization point so a thread's clock is incremented. let flag = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)); let handles = (1..num_threads + 1) .map(|k| { let flag = Arc::clone(&flag); thread::spawn(move || { assert_eq!(me(), k); check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); assert!(!flag.load(Ordering::SeqCst)); check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0) || (i == k)); k }) }) .collect::>(); // As each thread joins, we get knowledge of its vector clock. for handle in handles { let k = handle.join().unwrap(); check_clock(move |i, c| (c > 0) == (i <= k)); } } #[test] fn clock_threads_dfs() { check_dfs(|| clock_threads(2), None); } #[test] fn clock_threads_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_threads(20), 10_000, 3); } #[test] fn clock_fetch_update() { // Ensure that when a fetch_update fails, the caller does not inherit the clock from the register. check_dfs( || { let n = Arc::new(AtomicU32::new(0)); { let n = Arc::clone(&n); thread::spawn(move || { let _ = n.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |_| None); }); } let _ = n.load(Ordering::SeqCst); // Note that we are using check_dfs, so there are executions where the fetch_update happens before this // load. But the load above never causally depends on the spawned thread's clock, since it never managed to // store a value into the register. check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); }, None, ); } fn clock_once(num_threads: usize) { let once = Arc::new(Once::new()); let init = Arc::new(std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize::new(0)); let threads = (0..num_threads) .map(|_| { let once = Arc::clone(&once); let init = Arc::clone(&init); thread::spawn(move || { check_clock(|i, c| (c > 0) == (i == 0)); once.call_once(||, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst)); let who_inited = init.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst); // should have inhaled the clock of the thread that inited the Once, but might also // have inhaled the clocks of threads that we were racing with for initialization check_clock(|i, c| !(i == who_inited || i == 0 || i == me()) || c > 0); }) }) .collect::>(); for thd in threads { thd.join().unwrap(); } } #[test] fn clock_once_dfs() { check_dfs(|| clock_once(2), None); } #[test] fn clock_once_pct() { check_pct(|| clock_once(20), 10_000, 3); }