use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs; use linux_embedded_hal::{Delay, I2cdev, Pin}; use nb::block; use si4703::{ reset_and_select_i2c_method1, ChannelSpacing, DeEmphasis, SeekDirection, SeekMode, Si4703, Volume, }; fn main() { let mut delay = Delay {}; { // Reset and communication protocol selection must be done beforehand let mut sda = Pin::new(2); let mut rst = Pin::new(17); reset_and_select_i2c_method1(&mut rst, &mut sda, &mut delay).unwrap(); } let dev = I2cdev::new("/dev/i2c-1").unwrap(); let mut radio = Si4703::new(dev); radio.enable_oscillator().unwrap(); // Wait for the oscillator to stabilize delay.delay_ms(500_u16); radio.enable().unwrap(); // Wait for powerup delay.delay_ms(110_u16); radio.set_volume(Volume::Dbfsm28).unwrap(); radio.set_deemphasis(DeEmphasis::Us50).unwrap(); radio.set_channel_spacing(ChannelSpacing::Khz100).unwrap(); radio.unmute().unwrap(); let stc_int = Pin::new(27); // Seek using STC interrupt pin block!(radio.seek_with_stc_int_pin(SeekMode::Wrap, SeekDirection::Up, &stc_int)).unwrap(); let channel =; println!("Found channel at {:1} MHz", channel); }