/*! This example is a variant of `readme` that executes its work in multiple async tasks. It creates a session pool which tasks then use to "borrow" stateless sessions to execute queries. *Note* that `block_on` used in this example abstracts `block_on` for various async executors and is only intended to execute Sibyl's async tests and examples. While you can certainly use it, most likely you'd want to create your own version of it. */ #[cfg(feature="nonblocking")] fn main() -> sibyl::Result<()> { sibyl::block_on(async { use std::{env, sync::Arc}; use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use sibyl::*; static ORACLE : OnceCell = OnceCell::new(); let oracle = ORACLE.get_or_try_init(|| { Environment::new() })?; let dbname = env::var("DBNAME").expect("database name"); let dbuser = env::var("DBUSER").expect("user name"); let dbpass = env::var("DBPASS").expect("password"); let pool = oracle.create_session_pool(&dbname, &dbuser, &dbpass, 0, 1, 10).await?; let pool = Arc::new(pool); let mut workers = Vec::with_capacity(100); for _i in 0..workers.capacity() { let pool = pool.clone(); let handle = spawn(async move { let session = pool.get_session().await?; let stmt = session.prepare(" SELECT first_name, last_name, hire_date FROM ( SELECT first_name, last_name, hire_date , Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY hire_date DESC, last_name) AS hire_date_rank FROM hr.employees ) WHERE hire_date_rank = 1 ").await?; if let Some( row ) = stmt.query_single(()).await? { let first_name : Option<&str> = row.get(0)?; let last_name : &str = row.get(1)?; let name = first_name.map_or(last_name.to_string(), |first_name| format!("{} {}", first_name, last_name)); let hire_date : Date = row.get(2)?; let hire_date = hire_date.to_string("FMMonth DD, YYYY")?; Ok::<_,Error>(Some((name, hire_date))) } else { Ok(None) } }); workers.push(handle); } let mut n = 1; for handle in workers { let worker_result = handle.await; #[cfg(any(feature="tokio", feature="actix"))] let worker_result = match worker_result { Err(err) => { println!("cannot join {:?} - {:?}", n, err); Ok(None) }, Ok(res) => { res } }; match worker_result { Err(err) => { println!("{:?} failed - {}", n, err); }, Ok(None) => { println!("{:?}: did not find the latest hire", n); }, Ok(Some((name,hire_date))) => { println!("{:?}: {} was hired on {}", n, name, hire_date); } } n += 1; } println!("There are {} open sessions in the pool.", pool.open_count()?); Ok(()) }) } #[cfg(feature="blocking")] fn main() {}