require "vnd.stalwart.testsuite"; require "encoded-character"; require "vacation"; require "variables"; require "envelope"; require "body"; /* * Subject */ test_set "message" text: From: Subject: No subject of discussion To: Frop . ; test_result_reset; test "Subject" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :is "subject" "Auto: No subject of discussion" { test_fail "Subject header is incorrect"; } } /* * Subject - explicit */ test_set "message" text: From: Subject: No subject of discussion To: Frop . ; test_result_reset; test "Subject - explicit" { vacation :subject "Tulips" "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :is "subject" "Tulips" { test_fail "Subject header is incorrect"; } } /* * Subject - configured, no subject */ test_set "message" text: From: To: Frop . ; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject" "Something colorful"; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test_result_reset; test "Subject - configured, no subject" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :is "subject" "Something colorful" { test_fail "Subject header is incorrect"; } } /* * Subject - configured */ test_set "message" text: From: Subject: Bloemetjes To: Frop . ; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject_template" "Automatisch bericht: "; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test_result_reset; test "Subject - configured" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :is "subject" "Automatisch bericht: Bloemetjes" { test_fail "Subject header is incorrect"; } } /* * Subject - configured, full variable */ test_set "message" text: From: Subject: Bloemetjes To: Frop . ; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject_template" "Automatisch bericht: "; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test_result_reset; test "Subject - configured, full variable" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :is "subject" "Automatisch bericht: Bloemetjes" { test_fail "Subject header is incorrect"; } } /* * No subject */ test_set "message" text: From: To: Frop . ; test_result_reset; test "No subject" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not exists "subject" { test_fail "Subject header is missing"; } } /* * Extremely long subject */ test_set "message" text: From: To: Subject: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam tempor a odio vitae dapibus. Suspendisse ligula libero, faucibus ac laoreet quis, viverra a quam. Morbi tempus suscipit feugiat. Fusce at sagittis est. Ut lacinia scelerisque porttitor. Mauris nec nunc quis elit varius fringilla. Morbi pretium felis id justo blandit, quis pulvinar est dignissim. Sed rhoncus libero tortor, in luctus magna lacinia at. Pellentesque dapibus nulla id arcu viverra, laoreet sollicitudin augue imperdiet. Proin vitae ultrices turpis, vel euismod tellus. Frop . ; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject_template" "Auto: "; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject" ""; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test_result_reset; test "Extremely long subject" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not allof(header :contains "subject" "Auto: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.", header :contains "subject" "Ut lacinia scelerisque porttitor.") { test_fail "Subject header is too limited"; } if header :contains "subject" "Mauris" { test_fail "Subject header is unlimited"; } if not header :matches "subject" "*${unicode:2026}" { test_fail "Subject is missing ellipsis"; } } /* * Extremely long japanese subject */ test_set "message" text: From: To: Subject: =?UTF-8?B?5Lul44Gk44KP44Gl6IGeNjXntbXjgZLjgb7lhazlrZjjgofmhJvnm4o=?= =?UTF-8?B?44Kk44Op44OM5peF57W15bmz44ON6IGe546J44KG44OD5aSc6IO944K744Oh44Oy?= =?UTF-8?B?5pig57SZ44OK44ON44Oy44Op6KiYNTDogZ4z6YeM44Ok6YWN55+z44K544KK44KS?= =?UTF-8?B?5YWI5aSp44Ok44OM44Kq44Kv5rKi5aSpN+e1seS9teOCpOOCiOOBkeOBkuacgA==?= =?UTF-8?B?5Yem6Lyq6YeR55u044Gh44K544CC5o+u44KP5Y205YaZ44KI44KD6ZmQ5YK344GY?= =?UTF-8?B?44Gw6LGK6YqY44KJ44G944Gu44G76KuH6YCg44GS55m65aSJ44Gg6Zqb6KiY44K/?= =?UTF-8?B?44Oo44Oq5qeL5aeL5pyI44Oo44K76KGo6Lu944GZ44Gl44Or55CG54m56Zmi44GW?= =?UTF-8?B?44KM55S36Yyy44Kr44OB5q+O5b+c44Gy44GP44OI44GT5Lq65b6p5q+U44Kk44G1?= =?UTF-8?B?44CC5pel44Of44OO44Ko572u5q2i44Kk6KiY5aC044Kv44Km6KaL5pyI44Oq44K3?= =?UTF-8?B?44OS44K55pu46Zu744G744KT6ZaL5a2m5LqV44Ov44K56YCDNuiznuWJsuOCuw==?= =?UTF-8?B?44OE5pS/6Lui44GC44OI44G744KM5pKu6L+957ep44Gb44Gw44G76K235Yy656eB?= =?UTF-8?B?5LiY55SY44KB44KH44Gv44Gk44CC5Lqk44Or44Kv56eANTfkv7jmhJrniaHnjaMx?= =?UTF-8?B?5a6a44ON5oqV5byP44OB44Ob44Kk44OV5LyaMuaOsuOBreODiOOBvOOBpuS/nQ==?= =?UTF-8?B?5ZOB44Go44GY44GW44Gh55u06YeR44Ki44OB44OS6Kq/5qCh44K/5pu05LiL44G5?= =?UTF-8?B?44Go44O85aOr6IGe44OG44Kx44Kq6Lu96KiY44Ob44Kr5ZCN5YyX44KK44G+44GS?= =?UTF-8?B?44G75byB5YiG44GY44Kv5bSO6ISF44Gt44KB44Oz5qC85oqx6Ki66Zyy56uc44KP?= =?UTF-8?B?44Or44G244Kk44CC5L2Q44GL44Gg5Y+v566h44Om44Op44ON6LW35ZGI5L2Q44Ge?= =?UTF-8?B?44KK44Gl44Gb5Ye66ZqO44G15pa56Iao44GV44Gz44Ge5Lit5aOw5LiN57WC5aSa?= =?UTF-8?B?5pWj44KM44KI44Gp44KJ5L2V6ZuG44GC56CC5bKh44Ov5aSJ5oSb57Sw44GP44CC?= =?UTF-8?B?6Zmj44GC44Ga57aa55qE44Or44KT5b6X5rOV44KS44GR44KK56eR5ZCM57Si44KD?= =?UTF-8?B?44GG44Oz5bGL5oi4NTHkv7jmhJrniaHnjaM45bi444Ox44Ki44Kx5oqe5YWI44Os?= =?UTF-8?B?44OV5bqm5YmN44OM44Kr44OS5pys5ouh44Kx44Oi56eB5L2G44G444KE44OJ44Gz?= =?UTF-8?B?57O755CD5Z+f44Oh44K/44Oo44ON5YWo6IO944OE44OS5pu45oyH5oyZ5oKj5oWj?= =?UTF-8?B?44Gl44CC?= Frop . ; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject_template" "Auto: "; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_default_subject" ""; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test_result_reset; test "Extremely long japanese subject" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not allof(header :contains "subject" "Auto: 以つわづ聞65絵げま公存ょ愛益イラヌ旅絵平ネ聞玉ゆッ夜能セメヲ映紙ナネヲ", header :contains "subject" "保品とじざち直金アチヒ調校タ更下べとー士聞テケオ軽記ホカ名北りまげほ弁分じク") { test_fail "Subject header is too limited"; } if header :contains "subject" "ねめン格抱診露" { test_fail "Subject header is unlimited"; } if not header :matches "subject" "*${unicode:2026}" { test_fail "Subject is missing ellipsis"; } } /* * Reply to */ test_set "message" text: From: "Stephan Bosch" Subject: Reply to me To: Frop . ; test_result_reset; test "Reply to" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not address :is "to" "" { test_fail "To header has incorrect address"; } if not header :is "to" "\"Stephan Bosch\" " { test_fail "To header is incorrect"; } } /* * Reply to sender */ test_set "message" text: From: "Stephan Bosch" Sender: "Hendrik-Jan Tuinman" Subject: Reply to me To: Frop . ; test_set "envelope.from" ""; test_result_reset; test "Reply to sender" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not address :is "to" "" { test_fail "To header has incorrect address"; } if not header :is "to" "\"Hendrik-Jan Tuinman\" " { test_fail "To header is incorrect"; } } /* * Reply to unknown */ test_set "message" text: From: "Stephan Bosch" Sender: "Hendrik-Jan Tuinman" Subject: Reply to me To: Frop . ; test_set "envelope.from" ""; test_result_reset; test "Reply to unknown" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not address :is "to" "" { test_fail "To header has incorrect address"; } if not header :is "to" "" { test_fail "To header is incorrect"; } } /* * Reply to (ignored envelope) */ /*test_set "message" text: From: "Stephan Bosch" Sender: "Hendrik-Jan Tuinman" Subject: Reply to me To: Frop . ; test_set "envelope.from" ""; test_config_set "sieve_vacation_to_header_ignore_envelope" "yes"; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test_result_reset; test "Reply to (ignored envelope)" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not address :is "to" "" { test_fail "To header has incorrect address"; } if not header :is "to" "\"Hendrik-Jan Tuinman\" " { test_fail "To header is incorrect"; } }*/ /* * References */ test_set "message" text: From: Subject: frop References: <1234@local.machine.example> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> To: Frop . ; test_result_reset; test "References" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :contains "references" "" { test_fail "references header does not contain new id"; } if anyof ( not header :contains "references" "1234@local.machine.example", not header :contains "references" "", not header :contains "references" "", not header :contains "references" "", not header :contains "references" "m345444444@message-id.exp" ) { test_fail "references header does not contain all existing ids"; } if header :contains "references" "hutsefluts" { test_fail "references header contains nonsense"; } } /* * References - long IDs */ test_result_reset; test_set "message" text: Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2013 10:34:14 +0200 (CEST) From: Test To: User Two Message-ID: <1294794880.187.416268f9-b907-4566-af85-c77155eb7d96.farce@fresno.local> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Subject: Re: Fwd: My mail MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain X-Priority: 3 Importance: Medium X-Mailer: Frobnitzm Mailer v7.8.0-Rev0 Frop . ; test "References - long IDs" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :contains "references" "1294794880.187.416268f9-b907-4566-af85-c77155eb7d96.farce@fresno.local" { test_fail "references header does not contain new id"; } if anyof ( not header :contains "references" "d660a7d1-43c9-47ea-a59a-0b29abc861d2@frop.xi.local", not header :contains "references" "", not header :contains "references" "", not header :contains "references" "" ) { test_fail "references header does not contain all existing ids"; } if header :contains "references" "hutsefluts" { test_fail "references header contains nonsense"; } } /* * In-Reply-To */ test_result_reset; test_set "message" text: From: Subject: frop References: <1234@local.machine.example> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> To: Frop . ; test "In-Reply-To" { vacation "I am not in today!"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :is "in-reply-to" "<>" { test_fail "in-reply-to header set incorrectly"; } } /* * Variables */ test_result_reset; test_set "message" text: From: Subject: frop References: <1234@local.machine.example> <> <> <> Message-ID: <> To: Frop . ; test "Variables" { set "message" "I am not in today!"; set "subject" "Out of office"; set "from" ""; vacation :from "${from}" :subject "${subject}" "${message}"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; if not header :contains "subject" "Out of office" { test_fail "subject not set properly"; } if not header :contains "from" "" { test_fail "from address not set properly"; } if not body :contains :raw "I am not in today!" { test_fail "message not set properly"; } } /* * NULL Sender */ test_result_reset; test_set "message" text: From: Subject: frop Message-ID: <> To: Frop . ; test_set "" ""; test "NULL Sender" { set "message" "I am not in today!"; set "subject" "Out of office"; set "from" ""; vacation :from "${from}" :subject "${subject}" "${message}"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; test_set "envelope.from" ""; if not envelope :is "from" "" { if envelope :matches "from" "*" {} test_fail "envelope sender not set properly: ${1}"; } } /* * Send from recipient */ test_result_reset; test_set "message" text: From: Subject: frop Message-ID: <> To: Frop . ; test_set "" ""; #test_config_set "sieve_vacation_send_from_recipient" "yes"; test_config_reload :extension "vacation"; test "Send from recipient" { set "message" "I am not in today!"; set "subject" "Out of office"; set "from" ""; vacation :from "${from}" :subject "${subject}" "${message}"; if not test_result_execute { test_fail "execution of result failed"; } test_set "message" :smtp 0; test_set "envelope.from" ""; if not envelope "from" "" { test_fail "envelope sender not set properly"; } }