require ["vacation", "vacation-seconds"]; if header :contains "subject" "cyrus" { vacation "I'm out -- send mail to cyrus-bugs"; } else { vacation "I'm out -- call me at +1 304 555 0123"; } if header :matches "subject" "*" { vacation :subject "Automatic response to: ${1}" "I'm away -- send mail to foo in my absence"; } if header :contains "subject" "lunch" { vacation :handle "ran-away" "I'm out and can't meet for lunch"; } else { vacation :handle "ran-away" "I'm out"; } vacation :mime text: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=foo --foo I'm at the beach relaxing. Mmmm, surf... --foo Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
I'm at the beach relaxing. Mmmm, surf... --foo-- . ; vacation :days 23 :addresses ["", ""] "I'm away until October 19. If it's an emergency, call 911, I guess." ; if header :contains "from" "" { redirect ""; } else { vacation "Sorry, I'm away, I'll read your message when I get around to it."; } if header :contains ["accept-language", "content-language"] "en" { vacation "I am away this week."; } else { vacation "Estoy ausente esta semana."; } if address :matches "from" "*" { vacation :subject "Gone fishing" "Having lots of fun! Back in a day or two!"; } else { vacation :subject "Je suis parti cette semaine" "Je lirai votre message quand je retourne."; } vacation :addresses ["", ""] :seconds 1800 "I am in a meeting, and do not have access to email."; vacation :handle "auto-resp" :seconds 0 "Your request has been received. A service representative will contact you as soon as possible, usually within one business day.";