[ [ 0, { "Require": [ "Reject", "Ereject" ] } ], [ 1, { "Test": { "Address": { "header_list": [ { "Text": "from" } ], "key_list": [ { "Text": "someone@example.com" } ], "address_part": "All", "match_type": "Is", "comparator": "AsciiCaseMap", "index": null, "mime_anychild": false, "is_not": false } } } ], [ 2, { "Jz": 4 } ], [ 3, { "Reject": { "ereject": true, "reason": { "Text": "I no longer accept mail from this address" } } } ], [ 4, { "Test": { "Size": { "over": true, "limit": 102400, "is_not": false } } } ], [ 5, { "Jz": 7 } ], [ 6, { "Reject": { "ereject": false, "reason": { "Text": "Your message is too big. If you want to send me a big attachment,\nput it on a public web site and send me a URL.\n" } } } ], [ 7, { "Test": { "Header": { "header_list": [ { "Text": "from" } ], "key_list": [ { "Text": "coyote@desert.example.org" } ], "match_type": "Contains", "comparator": "AsciiCaseMap", "index": null, "mime_opts": "None", "mime_anychild": false, "is_not": false } } } ], [ 8, { "Jz": 10 } ], [ 9, { "Reject": { "ereject": false, "reason": { "Text": "I am not taking mail from you, and I don't\nwant your birdseed, either!\n" } } } ] ]