# Inspect the generated code You can add `@debug` to the beginning of the macro content like: ```rust fn render(&self, context: RenderContext) { application! { @debug // To output the generated code div (id="some-id") { .... } } } ``` Then, the generated code will be outputed to your terminal. If there is something wrong with the generated code, you can copy it and place it in the `render` method: ```rust fn render(&self, context: RenderContext) { // Paste the generated code here // (instead of the original macro) } ``` (It's better to duplicate your `.rs` file to keep a file with the original macro) Save the file and compile your project again to see what's wrong with the generated code! *However, it is not a good process to debug. Do you have a better idea?* # Test your changes You can add your tests to `tests/*`. To run tests, at the root of the repo, enter: `./ci_test_local.sh`. Make sure all tests pass and there is no warnings before pushing.