# nomino
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Batch rename utility for developers
![Alt text](/screenshots/usage.png?raw=true "Regex Screenshot")
## How to install
### Pre-Compiled
You can download a pre-compiled executable for Linux, MacOS and Windows operating systems, then you should copy that executable to a location from your `$PATH` env:
- [Linux 64bit](https://github.com/yaa110/nomino/releases/latest/download/nomino-linux-64bit)
- [MacOS 64bit](https://github.com/yaa110/nomino/releases/latest/download/nomino-macos-64bit)
- [Windows 64bit](https://github.com/yaa110/nomino/releases/latest/download/nomino-windows-64bit.exe)
You might need to run `chmod +x nomino-linux-64bit` or `chmod +x nomino-macos-64bit`.
### Arch Linux
You can use [nomino](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nomino)AUR package to install nomino in Arch Linux.
### Build Manually
If you prefer to build nomino manually, or a pre-compiled executable is not provided for your target, then you can build nomino from scratch:
- Install Rust: `curl -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh`
- Run `cargo install nomino`
## Usage
-e, --extension Preserves the extension of input files in 'sort' and 'regex' options
-h, --help Prints help information
-k, --mkdir Recursively creates all parent directories of '