# simls ![Downloads][downloads-badge] ![License][license-badge] ![Version][version-badge] simls is a **simulator/emulator manager** that provides an easy to use CLI interface for managing iOS simulators and Android emulators. [How it works](#how-it-works) • [Installation](#installation) • [Wiki](https://github.com/jeroenzeelmaekers/simls/wiki) ![Example image][image]
## How it works simls makes use of the cli tools of Xcode for the iOS simulators and Android studio for the android emulators. ### iOS Simulators For iOS simulators makes use of the `xcrun simctl` cli that comes with Xcode. This exposes a series of commands that we use to manage the simulators. ### Android Emulators For android emulators we use the `emulator` cli that gets shipped with Android Studio. ## Installation simls is currently only available through Cargo and Homebrew. Additional system configuration steps are required and can be found in the [wiki](https://github.com/jeroenzeelmaekers/simls/wiki/Installation). ### Cargo ```shell cargo install simls ``` ### Homebrew ```shell brew tap jeroenzeelmaekers/tap brew install simls ``` [downloads-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/jeroenzeelmaekers/simls/total?color=green&style=flat [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/jeroenzeelmaekers/simls?color=red&style=flat [version-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/jeroenzeelmaekers/simls?display_name=tag&style=flat&color=yellow [image]: .assets/demo.gif