# `simple-cursor`
A super simple `#[no_std]`-compatible character cursor implementation geared towards lexers/tokenizers. The implementation is inspired by the one used in `rustc` and should be performant enough to handle pretty much anything you could throw at it.
# Basic use
The following examples showcases the basic features of `simple_cursor`. Please refer to the `Cursor` [docs](https://docs.rs/simple-cursor/latest/simple_cursor/struct.Cursor.html) for more info.
use simple_cursor::Cursor;
// Create the input string and the cursor.
let input = "123 foobar竜";
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(input);
// "123"
let number_start = cursor.byte_pos();
cursor.skip_while(|c| c.is_ascii_digit());
let number_end = cursor.byte_pos();
// Some(' ')
let whitespace = cursor.bump();
// "foobar"
let ident_start = cursor.byte_pos();
cursor.skip_while(|c| c.is_ascii_alphabetic());
let ident_end = cursor.byte_pos();
// "竜"
let rest_start = ident_end;
let rest_end = input.len();
assert_eq!("123", &input[number_start..number_end]);
assert_eq!(Some(' '), whitespace);
assert_eq!("foobar", &input[ident_start..ident_end]);
assert_eq!("竜", &input[rest_start..rest_end]);