#ifndef SIMPLICITY_CTX8UNPRUNED_H #define SIMPLICITY_CTX8UNPRUNED_H #include #include #include "bounded.h" /* A length-prefixed encoding of the following Simplicity program: * (scribe (toWord256 0x067C531269735CA7F541FDACA8F0DC76305D3CADA140F89372A410FE5EFF6E4D) &&& * (ctx8Init &&& scribe (toWord128 0xDE188941A3375D3A8A061E67576E926D)) >>> ctx8Addn vector16 >>> ctx8Finalize) >>> * eq >>> verify */ extern const unsigned char ctx8Unpruned[]; extern const size_t sizeof_ctx8Unpruned; extern const unsigned char ctx8Unpruned_witness[]; extern const size_t sizeof_ctx8Unpruned_witness; /* The commitment Merkle root of the above ctx8Unpruned Simplicity expression. */ extern const uint32_t ctx8Unpruned_cmr[]; /* The identity Merkle root of the above ctx8Unpruned Simplicity expression. */ extern const uint32_t ctx8Unpruned_imr[]; /* The annotated Merkle root of the above ctx8Unpruned Simplicity expression. */ extern const uint32_t ctx8Unpruned_amr[]; /* The cost of the above ctx8Unpruned Simplicity expression in milli weight units. */ extern const ubounded ctx8Unpruned_cost; #endif