# sing CLI app to generate music and sing your text/file/code written in Rust. ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites Make sure your have `cargo` available in your machine, see [Rust official website](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) for the installation guide if you don't have `cargo` yet. ### Installing ``` cargo install sing ``` ### Usage Generate music and sing with text: ``` sing -t "Hello World" ``` Generate music and sing based on a file: ``` sing -f ``` Getting help: ``` sing -h ``` ## Built With * [clap](https://crates.io/crates/clap) - Command Line Argument Parser for Rust * [rodio](https://crates.io/crates/rodio) - Audio playback library * [spinner](https://crates.io/crates/spinner) - A simple library to add more interactivity to your terminal applications. ## TODO I'm still pretty new with Rust, here are a list of things I'm trying to work on: - [ ] User can save the generated sound as wav or mp3 - [ ] More available sounds rather than simple sine wave - [ ] Better logic to generate music, also probably use some pre defined scales. - [ ] Multi track would be fun ## Contributing Free feel to open PR for any change/feature you would like to have, the project is still in a very early stage. ## Versioning We use [SemVer](http://semver.org/) for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/haochuan/sing/tags). ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details