# Singularity CLI tool for pulling known malicious domains into a blackhole list. Primarily meant to be used with PDNS Recursor. The tool can pull in blackholed domains from multiple adlist sources and output them into multiple places in various formats. [Accompanying blog post.](https://blog.spans.me/i-thought-pihole-was-kinda-bad-so-i-made-my-own/) ## Install Requires a stable build of Rust, preferably the latest one. Minimum supported version: 1.52.0. * From crates.io: `cargo install singularity` * From source: `cargo install --path .` ## Usage * Basic usage: `singularity` ### CLI options All CLI options can be seen with the `--help` flag. The options are: * `-v`, `--verbose`: enable additional debug output to stdout * `-c`, `--config`: a custom configuration file to use instead of the default * `-t`, `--timeout`: timeout in milliseconds to wait for each HTTP request to succeed (default: 1000) ### Configuration file By default, the tool will use a confiuration file in the current system-dependent location. On Linux, this is `$HOME/.config/singularity/singularity.conf`. The file will be created if it doesn't exist and will contain empty values. Complete example configuration file: ```toml whitelist = ["my-cool-domain.com"] [[adlist]] source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts" format = "hosts" [[adlist]] source = "file:/absolute/path" format = "domains" [[adlist]] source = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/notracking/hosts-blocklists/master/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.blacklist.txt" format = "dnsmasq" [[output]] type = "hosts" destination = "/etc/powerdns/hosts" blackhole_address = "" include = ["extra-hosts"] [[output]] type = "hosts" destination = "/etc/hosts" deduplicate = true [[output]] type = "pdns-lua" destination = "/etc/powerdns/blackhole.lua" blackhole_address = "::" output_metric = true metric_name = "blocked-queries" ``` #### `whitelist` An array of domains you wish to not include in the final output. These are matched exactly, so `google.com` will match only `google.com`, but not any of its subdomains. The configuration option can be left out entirely for a default empty whitelist. #### `adlist` An array of objects describing adlist sources. They have two keys: * `source`: URL to the source of the adlist. The URL scheme can be `http`, `https` or `file`. If it's a `file` URL, its path will be interpreted as an absolute filesystem path in the local system. * `format`: the format the adlist's entries are in. This option can be omitted for the default `hosts` value. The value can be one of: * `hosts`: standard `/etc/hosts`-style entries; ` malicious.domain`. It is assumed the address in each entry is the unspecfied `` IP address. Entries that have a different IP address or have an IP address as the domain are ignored. * `domains`: each line is just a domain name: `malicious.domain`. * `dnsmasq`: each line is an `address` or `server` configuration line for dnsmasq; `address=/example.com/#` Regardless of the source or format, any lines in an adlist beginning with a `#` are ignored and will not be included in the output. ### `output` An array of objects describing where and how to output the blackholed domains. The type of each output is specified with the `type` key. The possible types are: * `hosts`: output a standard hosts-format where each line is in the format of ` `. Other hosts-files can be included in the output by settings their paths in the `include` array option. * `pdns-lua`: output a Lua script that can be used with the `lua-dns-script` configuration option in PDNS Recursor. The script will have each blackholed domain hardcoded into it. By using the `preresolve()` function, the script will respond to queries for the blackholed domains with either an `A`-record or an `AAAA`-record containing the `blackhole_address`. The type of the record depends on whether the `blackhole_address` is an IPv4- or an IPv6-address. By default, the script will output a metric called `blocked-queries` that is incremented every time the script responds to a blocked domain. It is accessible through the same means as every other Recursor metric. It can be disabled with the `output_metric` setting, and the metric's name can be customised with the `metric_name` setting. Both settings can be omitted for their default values. Additional configuration for every type of output: * `blackhole_address`: the address used in the blackhole responses * `deduplicate`: remove duplicate entries in the output. Duplicate entries may appear when using multiple sources.