# Rust driver for Siodb A simple driver for Siodb written in pure Rust. ## Features - Support of URI - Connections to Siodb (TLS, TCP, Unix socket) - Authentication to Siodb - Query execution - DML execution ## Installation Add the crate dependency with the version you desire into `Cargo.toml`: ``` [dependencies] siodb = "*" ``` ## Quick setup Start Siodb in a container and get the RSA key for root user locally: ```bash docker run -p --name siodb siodb/siodb docker exec -it siodb cat /home/siodb/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/root_id_rsa ``` ## Example ```rust let uri = "siodbs://root@localhost:50000?identity_file=/home/nico/root_id_rsa"; let mut siodb_conn = SiodbConn::new(&uri).expect(&format!("Error connecting to URI '{}'", uri)); if siodb_conn .query_row("select name from sys_databases where name = 'TEST_DB'".to_string()) .is_none() { siodb_conn .execute("CREATE DATABASE test_db".to_string()) .expect(&format!("Database creation error.")); } if siodb_conn .query_row("select name from test_db.sys_tables where name = 'TEST_TABLE'".to_string()) .is_none() { siodb_conn .execute( "CREATE TABLE test_db.test_table ( ctinyintmin TINYINT, ctinyintmax TINYINT, ctinyuint TINYUINT, csmallintmin SMALLINT, csmallintmax SMALLINT, csmalluint SMALLUINT, cintmin INT, cintmax INT, cuint UINT, cbigintmin BIGINT, cbigintmax BIGINT, cbiguint BIGUINT, cfloatmin FLOAT, cfloatmax FLOAT, cdoublemin DOUBLE, cdoublemax DOUBLE, ctext TEXT, cts TIMESTAMP )" .to_string(), ) .expect(&format!("Table creation error.")); } siodb_conn .execute( "INSERT INTO test_db.test_table VALUES ( -128, 127, 255, -32768, 32767, 65535, -2147483648, 2147483647, 4294967295, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807, 18446744073709551615, 222.222, 222.222, 222.222, 222.222, '汉字', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) " .to_string(), ) .expect(&format!("Insertion error.")); println!("Affected row(s): {}", siodb_conn.get_affected_row_count()); siodb_conn .query("select * from test_db.test_table".to_string()) .expect(&format!("Query error")); while siodb_conn.next().unwrap() { for data in siodb_conn.scan() { if data.is_none() { println!("Value: Null"); } else { println!("Value: {}", data.as_ref().unwrap()); } } } println!("Row(s): {}", siodb_conn.get_row_count()); siodb_conn.close().unwrap(); ``` ## URI To identify a Siodb resource, the driver use the [URI format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier). For TLS connection (default): ``` siodbs://root@localhost:50000?identity_file=/home/siodb/.ssh/id_rsa ``` For TCP plain text connection: ``` siodb://root@localhost:50000?identity_file=/home/siodb/.ssh/id_rsa ``` For Unix socket connection: ``` siodbu:/run/siodb/siodb.socket?identity_file=/home/siodb/.ssh/id_rsa ``` The above example will connect you to the localhost with port number `50000`. The driver will do the authentication with the Siodb user root and the identity file `/home/siodb/.ssh/id_rsa`. ### Options - identity_file: the path to the RSA private key. - trace: to trace everything within the driver to sdtout. ## Support Siodb Do you like this project? Tell it by clicking the star 🟊 on the top right of this page ☝☝ ## Documentation We write the Siodb documentation in Markdow and it is available in the folder `docs/users/docs`. If you prefer a more user friendly format, the same documentation is available online [here]( https://docs.siodb.io). ## Contribution Please refer to the [Contributing file](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Support - Report your issue with Siodb 👉 [here](https://github.com/siodb/siodb/issues/new). - Report your issue with the driver 👉 [here](https://github.com/siodb/siodb-rust-driver/issues/new). - Ask a question 👉 [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/siodb). - Siodb Slack space 👉 [here](https://join.slack.com/t/siodb-squad/shared_invite/zt-e766wbf9-IfH9WiGlUpmRYlwCI_28ng). ## Follow Siodb - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Sio_db) - [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/company/siodb) ## License Licensed under [Apache License version 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).