use chrono::{DateTime, FixedOffset, NaiveDate}; use sitemap_rs::video::{Platform, PlatformType, Relationship, Restriction, Uploader, Video}; use sitemap_rs::video_error::VideoError; use std::collections::HashSet; #[test] fn test_constructor_only_required_fields() { let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ); assert!(video_result.is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_constructor_all_fields() { let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), Some(600), Some(DateTime::from_naive_utc_and_offset( NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2021, 11, 5) .unwrap() .and_hms_opt(11, 20, 30) .unwrap(), FixedOffset::east_opt(8 * 3600).unwrap(), )), Some(4.2), Some(12345), Some(DateTime::from_naive_utc_and_offset( NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2007, 11, 5) .unwrap() .and_hms_opt(11, 20, 30) .unwrap(), FixedOffset::east_opt(8 * 3600).unwrap(), )), Some(true), Some(Restriction::new( HashSet::from([ String::from("IE"), String::from("GB"), String::from("US"), String::from("CA"), ]), Relationship::Allow, )), Some(Platform::new( HashSet::from([PlatformType::Web, PlatformType::Tv]), Relationship::Allow, )), Some(true), Some(Uploader::new( String::from("GrillyMcGrillserson"), Some(String::from( "", )), )), Some(false), Some(vec![ String::from("steak"), String::from("meat"), String::from("summer"), String::from("outdoor"), ]), ); assert!(video_result.is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_constructor_description_too_long() { let mut description: String = String::new(); for _ in 0..2049 { description.push('5'); } let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), description, String::from(""), String::from(""), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(count) => assert_eq!(2049, count), VideoError::DurationTooShort(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooShort!"), VideoError::DurationTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooLong!"), VideoError::RatingTooLow(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooLow!"), VideoError::RatingTooHigh(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooHigh!"), VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned UploaderNameTooLong!"), VideoError::TooManyTags(_) => panic!("Returned TooManyTags!"), }, } } #[test] fn test_constructor_duration_too_short() { let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), Some(0), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DescriptionTooLong!"), VideoError::DurationTooShort(duration) => assert_eq!(0, duration), VideoError::DurationTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooLong!"), VideoError::RatingTooLow(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooLow!"), VideoError::RatingTooHigh(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooHigh!"), VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned UploaderNameTooLong!"), VideoError::TooManyTags(_) => panic!("Returned TooManyTags!"), }, } } #[test] fn test_constructor_duration_too_long() { let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), Some(28_801), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DescriptionTooLong!"), VideoError::DurationTooShort(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooShort!"), VideoError::DurationTooLong(duration) => assert_eq!(28_801, duration), VideoError::RatingTooLow(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooLow!"), VideoError::RatingTooHigh(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooHigh!"), VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned UploaderNameTooLong!"), VideoError::TooManyTags(_) => panic!("Returned TooManyTags!"), }, } } #[test] fn test_constructor_rating_too_low() { let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), None, None, Some(-1.0), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DescriptionTooLong!"), VideoError::DurationTooShort(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooShort!"), VideoError::DurationTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooLong!"), VideoError::RatingTooLow(rating) => { let expected_rating: f32 = -1.0; assert!((rating - expected_rating).abs() < f32::EPSILON); } VideoError::RatingTooHigh(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooHigh!"), VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned UploaderNameTooLong!"), VideoError::TooManyTags(_) => panic!("Returned TooManyTags!"), }, } } #[test] fn test_constructor_rating_too_high() { let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), None, None, Some(6.69), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DescriptionTooLong!"), VideoError::DurationTooShort(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooShort!"), VideoError::DurationTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooLong!"), VideoError::RatingTooLow(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooLow!"), VideoError::RatingTooHigh(rating) => { let expected_rating: f32 = 6.69; assert!((rating - expected_rating).abs() < f32::EPSILON); } VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned UploaderNameTooLong!"), VideoError::TooManyTags(_) => panic!("Returned TooManyTags!"), }, } } #[test] fn test_constructor_uploader_name_too_long() { let mut uploader_name: String = String::new(); for _ in 0..256 { uploader_name.push('5'); } let uploader: Uploader = Uploader::new(uploader_name, None); let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, Some(uploader), None, None, ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DescriptionTooLong!"), VideoError::DurationTooShort(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooShort!"), VideoError::DurationTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooLong!"), VideoError::RatingTooLow(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooLow!"), VideoError::RatingTooHigh(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooHigh!"), VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(count) => assert_eq!(256, count), VideoError::TooManyTags(_) => panic!("Returned TooManyTags!"), }, } } #[test] fn test_constructor_too_many_tags() { let mut tags: Vec = vec![]; for i in 0..33 { tags.push(format!("tag_{i}")); } let video_result: Result = Video::new( String::from(""), String::from("Grilling steaks for summer"), String::from("Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every time"), String::from(""), String::from(""), None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, Some(tags), ); match video_result { Ok(_) => panic!("Returned a Video!"), Err(e) => match e { VideoError::DescriptionTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DescriptionTooLong!"), VideoError::DurationTooShort(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooShort!"), VideoError::DurationTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned DurationTooLong!"), VideoError::RatingTooLow(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooLow!"), VideoError::RatingTooHigh(_) => panic!("Returned RatingTooHigh!"), VideoError::UploaderNameTooLong(_) => panic!("Returned UploaderNameTooLong!"), VideoError::TooManyTags(count) => assert_eq!(33, count), }, } }