# Skely 💀 > A simple command line tool for managing and using skeleton projects ## About Skely is a command line tool for managing and using project templates. Skely is especially useful when working with languages like C that don't have the luxury of a cargo-esque project initializer. ## Installation To install Skely run ```bash cargo install skely ``` ## Configuration ### Settings Skely uses the `SK_PLACEHOLDER` enviroment variable to determine a placeholder string to replace with a project name when using a skeleton. If this variable is unset, it will default to `PLACEHOLDER`. ## Usage ### New To create a new project using skeleton do `sk new `. `sk new foo` will create project at `/foo`. Additional options can be found using `sk new --help`. ### Add Skely can add new skeletons by passing Skely a directory or file to copy. `sk add foo/` will add `foo/` as a skeleton, found at `~/.config/sk/skeletons/foo/`. ### Remove To remove a skeleton do `sk remove `. ### List To list all configured skeletons do `sk list`. ### Completion To generate shell completion for Skelly do `sk completion `. To see supported shells do `sk completion --help`. Installing completion scripts is dependent on your shell. With zsh and [oh-my-zsh](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh) it would look something like this: ```zsh mkdir ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions sk completion zsh > ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_sk omz reload ``` If you've read this far, thank you for taking interest in my software, it is much appreciated :).