use slac::{ check_variables_and_functions, compile, execute, function::{Arity, Function}, optimizer::optimize, stdlib::{extend_environment, NativeResult}, Expression, Result, StaticEnvironment, Value, }; fn execute_raw(script: &str) -> Result { let ast = compile(script).unwrap(); let env = StaticEnvironment::default(); execute(&env, &ast) } fn execute_test(script: &str) -> Value { execute_raw(script).unwrap_or(Value::Boolean(false)) } fn execute_with_stdlib(script: &str, do_optimize: bool) -> Result { let mut ast = compile(script)?; let mut env = StaticEnvironment::default(); extend_environment(&mut env); check_variables_and_functions(&env, &ast)?; if do_optimize { optimize(&env, &mut ast)?; } execute(&env, &ast) } fn assert_execute(left: &str, right: &str) { let left_result = execute_with_stdlib(left, false); let right_result = execute_with_stdlib(right, false); assert_eq!(left_result, right_result); let left_result_opt = execute_with_stdlib(left, true); let right_result_opt = execute_with_stdlib(right, true); assert_eq!(left_result_opt, right_result_opt); assert_eq!(left_result, left_result_opt); assert_eq!(right_result, right_result_opt); } fn assert_expr(expected: &str, script: &str) { let ast_expected = compile(expected).unwrap(); let mut ast = compile(script).unwrap(); let mut env = StaticEnvironment::default(); extend_environment(&mut env); optimize(&env, &mut ast).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ast_expected, ast); } fn assert_bool(expected: bool, script: &str) { assert_eq!( Ok(Value::Boolean(expected)), execute_with_stdlib(script, false) ); assert_eq!( Ok(Value::Boolean(expected)), execute_with_stdlib(script, true) ); } fn assert_str(expected: &str, script: &str) { assert_eq!( Ok(Value::String(expected.to_string())), execute_with_stdlib(script, false) ); assert_eq!( Ok(Value::String(expected.to_string())), execute_with_stdlib(script, true) ); } fn assert_num(expected: f64, script: &str) { assert_eq!( Ok(Value::Number(expected)), execute_with_stdlib(script, false) ); assert_eq!( Ok(Value::Number(expected)), execute_with_stdlib(script, true) ); } fn assert_value(value: Value, script: &str) { let ast_expected = Expression::Literal { value }; let mut ast = compile(script).unwrap(); let mut env = StaticEnvironment::default(); extend_environment(&mut env); optimize(&env, &mut ast).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ast_expected, ast); } fn assert_err(script: &str) { assert!(execute_with_stdlib(script, false).is_err()); } #[test] fn add_number() { assert_eq!(Value::Number(2.0), execute_test("1 + 1 ")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(2.0), execute_test(" 1 + 1 ")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(100.0), execute_test("99 + 1")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(100.5), execute_test("99.2 + 1.3")); } #[test] fn add_string() { let expected = Value::String(String::from("Hello World")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("'Hello World'")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("'Hello' + ' ' + 'World'")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("'Hello ' + '' + 'World'")); } #[test] fn add_unicode_string() { let expected = Value::String(String::from("мир приветствий")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("'мир' + ' ' + 'приветствий'")); } #[test] fn escape_string_quotes() { let expected = Value::String(String::from("It's Working")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("'It''s Working'")); } #[test] fn boolean_and() { assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("true and false")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("true and true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("false and false")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("true and true and true")); assert_eq!( Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("true and true and false") ); } #[test] fn boolean_or() { assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("false or true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("true or false")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("true or true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("false or false")); } #[test] fn boolean_empty() { assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("'' or true")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("0 or true")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("[] or true")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(false)), execute_raw("true and ''")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(false)), execute_raw("true and 0")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(false)), execute_raw("true and []")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("true and '1'")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("true and 1")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("true and [1]")); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("true and not 0")); } #[test] fn boolean_xor() { assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("true xor false")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("false xor true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("true xor true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("false xor false")); } #[test] fn boolean_not() { assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("not true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("not false")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(true), execute_test("not false and true")); assert_eq!(Value::Boolean(false), execute_test("false or not true")); } #[test] fn number_arithmetics() { assert_eq!(Value::Number(10.0), execute_test("5+3+2")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(10.0), execute_test("4+3*2")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(2.0), execute_test("5 div 2")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(1.0), execute_test("5 mod 2")); assert_eq!(Value::Number(2.0), execute_test("50 div 20 mod 3")); } #[test] fn array_combination() { let expected = Value::Array(vec![ Value::Number(10.0), Value::Number(20.0), Value::Number(30.0), Value::Number(40.0), ]); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("[10, 20, 30, 40]")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("[10, 20] + [30, 40]")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("[10] + [20] + [30] + [40]")); assert_eq!(expected, execute_test("[10, 20] + [] + [30, 40]")); assert_eq!(Value::Array(vec![]), execute_test("[]")); } #[test] fn invalid_operations() { assert!(execute_raw("1 + 'some_string'").is_err()); assert!(execute_raw("1 - 'some_string'").is_err()); assert!(execute_raw("1 * 'some_string'").is_err()); assert!(execute_raw("1 / 'some_string'").is_err()); assert!(execute_raw("1 mod 'some_string'").is_err()); assert!(execute_raw("1 div 'some_string'").is_err()); } #[test] fn std_lib_max_min() { assert_bool(true, "max(10, 20) > min(50, 30, 10)"); assert_num(20.0, "max(-30, 20)"); assert_num(-20.0, "min(-20, 30)"); } #[test] fn std_lib_contains() { assert_bool(true, "contains([1,2,3], 1)"); assert_bool(true, "contains('something', 'thing')"); assert_bool(false, "contains('something', 'other')"); assert_bool(false, "contains([], 1)"); } #[test] fn std_lib_count() { assert_execute("count('Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft', 'fff')", "1"); assert_execute("count('', 'Hello')", "0"); assert_execute("count([True, False, True, False], True)", "2"); assert_execute("count([True, False, True, False], 123)", "0"); assert_execute("count([], 123)", "0"); } #[test] fn std_lib_lowercase_uppercase() { assert_str("hello world 😀", "lowercase('Hello World 😀')"); assert_str("HELLO WORLD 😀", "uppercase('Hello World 😀')"); } #[test] fn std_str() { assert_str("0", "str(0)"); assert_str("99", "str(99)"); assert_str("-1", "str(-1)"); assert_bool(true, "str(true) = 'true'"); } #[test] fn std_lib_full() { assert_bool( true, " (abs(-11.2) = 11.2) and all([true, true]) and any([true, false]) and bool(1) and not bool(0) and contains('something', 'ome') and empty([]) and (float('3.14') = 3.14) and (int(3.14) = 3) and (length('hello') = 5) and (lowercase('BIG WORDS') = 'big words') and (uppercase('small words') = 'SMALL WORDS') and (max(-10, 5) = 5) and (min(-10, 5) = -10) and (pow(10, 2) = 100) and (round(3.4) = round(2.5)) and (str(-10) = '-10') and (trim(' space ') = 'space') and (count([1,2,3,4,3,2,1], 2) = 2) ", ); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "chrono")] fn std_time() { assert_execute( "string_to_date('2022-07-08') + 1", "string_to_date('2022-07-09')", ); assert_execute( "inc_month(string_to_date('2022-07-08'))", "string_to_date('2022-08-08')", ); assert_num(19596.0, "string_to_date('2023-08-27')"); assert_num(0.5, "string_to_time('12:00:00')"); assert_num(19596.5, "string_to_datetime('2023-08-27 12:00:00')"); assert_execute( "string_to_datetime('2023-08-27 08:30:00')", "string_to_date('2023-08-27') + string_to_time('08:30:00')", ); assert_num(6.0, "day_of_week(string_to_date('2023-08-27'))"); // Sunday = 6 assert_num(4.0, "day_of_week(string_to_date('2023-08-27') + 5)"); // Friday = 4 assert_num(18101.5, "string_to_datetime('2019-07-24 12:00:00')"); assert_num(18101.0, "date(string_to_datetime('2019-07-24 12:00:00'))"); assert_num(0.5, "time(string_to_datetime('2019-07-24 12:00:00'))"); } #[allow(dead_code)] // #[test] // dependent on the local timezone fn std_time_rfc() { assert_num( 19596.5 + 1. / 24. * 2., "date_from_rfc3339('2023-08-27T12:00:00+00:00')", ); assert_num(19596.5, "date_from_rfc3339('2023-08-27T12:00:00+02:00')"); assert_num( 19596.5 + 1. / 24. * 2., "date_from_rfc2822('Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0000')", ); assert_num( 19596.5, "date_from_rfc2822('Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0200')", ); assert_str( "2023-08-27T12:00:00+02:00", "date_to_rfc3339(date_from_rfc3339('2023-08-27T12:00:00+02:00'))", ); assert_str( "Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0200", "date_to_rfc2822(date_from_rfc2822('Sun, 27 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +0200'))", ); } #[test] fn operators_full() { assert_bool( true, "(true and not false) and (false or true) and (true xor false) and (10 + 20 - 30 < 50 * 5 / 25) and // 0 < 10 (10 mod 3 <= 10 div 3) and // 1 <= 3 (round(2.5) > 2) and // 3 > 2 (7 >= 8 or 9 <> 10) and // false or true ('Apple' + 'Pen' = 'ApplePen')", ) } fn expensive_func(_params: &[Value]) -> NativeResult { panic!() } #[test] fn short_circuit_bool() { let mut env = StaticEnvironment::default(); env.add_function(Function::new(expensive_func, Arity::None, "expensive()")); let ast = compile("false and expensive()").unwrap(); let result = execute(&env, &ast); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(false)), result); let ast = compile("true or expensive()").unwrap(); let result = execute(&env, &ast); assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), result); } #[test] fn empty_var_comparison() { assert_eq!(Ok(Value::Boolean(true)), execute_raw("does_not_exist = ''")); assert_eq!( Ok(Value::Boolean(false)), execute_raw("does_not_exist <> ''") ); } #[test] fn optional_params() { assert_bool(true, "replace('Hello', 'o', 'p') = 'Hellp'"); assert_bool(true, "replace('Hello', 'o') = 'Hell'"); assert_bool(true, "pow(10) = 100"); assert_bool(true, "pow(10, 3) = 1000"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "regex")] fn regex_is_match() { assert_bool(true, "re_is_match('ABCDE', 'BC')"); assert_bool(false, "re_is_match('ABCDE', 'EF')"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "regex")] fn regex_find() { assert_execute("re_find('ABCDE', 'BC')", "['BC']"); assert_execute( "re_find('an employer has an employee in employment', 'employ(er|ee|ment|ing|able)')", "['employer', 'employee', 'employment']", ); assert_execute( r"re_find('','([a-z0-9_\.\-]+)@([\da-z\.\-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,5})')", "['']", ); assert_execute(r"re_find('12354', '\D')", "[]"); assert_execute(r"re_find('ABCDE', '\D*')", "['ABCDE']"); assert_execute(r"re_find('ABCDE', '\D')", "['A','B','C','D','E']"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "regex")] fn regex_capture() { assert_execute( r"re_capture('', '(.*)@(.*)\.(.*)')", r"['', 'john.smith', 'example', 'com']", ); assert_execute( r"re_capture('john.smith@example', '(.*)@(.*)\.?(.*)?')", r"['john.smith@example', 'john.smith', 'example', '']", ); assert_execute( r"re_capture('11 aa 22 bb', '(\d{2})\W(\D{2})')", r"['11 aa', '11', 'aa']", ); assert_execute(r"re_capture('111', '(\D)(\D)')", r"['', '', '']"); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "regex")] fn regex_replace() { assert_execute( r"re_replace('', '(.*)@(.*)\.(.*)', '$1@test.$3')", r"''", ); assert_execute(r"re_replace('AAAAAA', 'A', 'B')", r"'BBBBBB'"); assert_execute(r"re_replace('AAAAAA', 'A', 'B', 3)", r"'BBBAAA'"); } #[test] fn array_at() { assert_execute(r"at([1, 'Test', true], 0)", r"1"); assert_execute(r"at([1, 'Test', true], 1)", r"'Test'"); assert_execute(r"at([1, 'Test', true], 2)", r"true"); #[cfg(feature = "regex")] assert_execute( r"at(re_capture('', '(.*)@(.*)\.(.*)'), 2)", r"'example'", ); assert_err("at([1,2], 10)"); assert_err("at([1,2], -1)"); } #[cfg(not(feature = "zero_based_strings"))] mod test_strings { use crate::{assert_bool, assert_err, assert_execute}; #[test] fn string_at() { assert_execute("at('abc', 1)", "'a'"); assert_execute("at('abc', 2)", "'b'"); assert_err("at('123', 4)"); assert_err("at(123, 1)"); } #[test] fn string_find() { assert_execute("find('ABC', 'B')", "2"); assert_execute("find('ABCD', 'BC')", "2"); assert_execute("find('ABCD', 'E')", "0"); } #[test] fn string_copy() { assert_bool(true, "copy('Test', 2, 2) = 'es'"); assert_bool(true, "copy('Test', 2, 20) = 'est'"); assert_bool(true, "copy('Test', find('Test', 'e'), 1) = 'e'"); } } #[cfg(feature = "zero_based_strings")] mod test_strings { use crate::{assert_bool, assert_err, assert_execute}; #[test] fn string_at() { assert_execute("at('abc', 0)", "'a'"); assert_execute("at('abc', 1)", "'b'"); assert_err("at('123', 4)"); assert_err("at(123, 1)"); } #[test] fn string_find() { assert_execute("find('ABC', 'B')", "1"); assert_execute("find('ABCD', 'BC')", "1"); assert_execute("find('ABCD', 'E')", "-1"); } #[test] fn string_copy() { assert_bool(true, "copy('Test', 1, 2) = 'es'"); assert_bool(true, "copy('Test', 1, 20) = 'est'"); assert_bool(true, "copy('Test', find('Test', 'e'), 1) = 'e'"); } } #[test] fn common_replace() { assert_execute("replace([1, 2, 3], 1, 2)", "[2, 2, 3]"); assert_execute("replace([1, 1, 1], 1, 2)", "[2, 2, 2]"); assert_execute("replace([3, 3, 3], 1, 2)", "[3, 3, 3]"); assert_execute( "replace(['Hello', 'World'], 'Hello', 'Goodbye')", "['Goodbye', 'World']", ); assert_execute("replace([1, 2, 3], 1)", "[2, 3]"); } #[test] fn common_remove() { assert_execute("remove([1, 2, 3], 2)", "[1, 3]"); assert_execute("remove('Hello World', 'l')", "'Heo Word'"); assert_err("remove([1, 2, 3], 1, 2)"); } #[test] fn ternary_if() { assert_execute("if_then(true, 1, 2)", "1"); assert_execute("if_then(false, 1, 2)", "2"); assert_execute("if_then(true, 1)", "1"); assert_execute("if_then(false, 1)", "0"); } #[test] fn optimize_fold() { assert_execute("1+1", "2"); assert_execute("1+1--2", "4"); assert_execute("1+1--------2", "4"); assert_execute("1 + 2 > 3 + 4", "false"); assert_execute("if_then(1 = 2, 3, 4)", "4"); assert_execute("if_then(max(1,3) = 2, 3, 4)", "4"); assert_execute( "if_then(1 = 2, if_then(true, 1, 2), if_then(false, 3, 4))", "4", ); assert_execute("if_then(if_then(true, true, false), 1, 2)", "1"); assert_expr("1", "1+1 + -1"); assert_expr("2", "if_then(1 > 2, 1, 2)"); assert_expr("1", "if_then(if_then(true, true, false), 1, 2)"); assert_expr("10", "max(min(30, 10), 5)"); assert_expr("true", "all([true, true])"); assert_expr("max(some_var, 5)", "max(some_var, min(10, 5))"); assert_expr("random()", "random()"); assert_expr("choice(1,2,3)", "choice(1,2,3)"); assert_expr("choice(1,2,3)", "choice(1,1+1,3)"); assert_expr("true", "is_leap_year(string_to_date('2024-01-01'))"); assert_value(Value::Array(vec![Value::Boolean(true)]), "[true]"); assert_value( Value::Number(10.0), "Min(20, if_then(all([true or false, true]) and true, 10, 30))", ); assert_value( Value::String("".to_string()), "at(re_capture('', '(.*)@.*\\.*'), 0)", ); assert_value(Value::Boolean(true), "even(10 + 30 * 3)"); assert_value( Value::String(String::from("DEADBEEF")), "int_to_hex(abs(-3735928559))", ); } #[test] fn random() { for _ in 0..100 { assert_bool(true, "random() <= 1"); assert_bool(true, "random(10) <= 10"); assert_bool(true, "choice([1,2,3]) <= 10"); assert_execute("true", "choice([true])"); } } #[test] fn has_comments() { assert_execute("3.14", "3 + .14 // eh, close enough"); assert_execute("3", "3{ + .14}"); assert_execute("3", "3{ + .14} // todo for later"); assert_execute("8", "3{ {-} + .14} + 5"); assert_execute("3", "3{ "); assert_execute( "8", " 4 // chosen by fair dice roll + 4 ", ); assert_execute( "8", " 4 { + 5 } + 4 ", ); assert_execute( "13", " 4 //{ + 5 //} + 4 ", ); assert_err( " 4 //{ + 5 } // closed brace + 4 ", ); assert_err("// todo add expression"); assert_err("{todo add expression}"); } #[test] fn sort_array() { assert_execute("[1,2,3,4,5]", "sort([5,4,3,2,1])"); assert_execute("[false, false, true]", "sort([false, true, false])"); assert_execute( "[true, 'something', 42, [123]]", "sort([[123], 42, 'something', true])", ); assert_execute( "[[123], 42, 'something', true]", "reverse(sort([[123], 42, 'something', true]))", ); assert_execute("[false, true, 0, 1, 2]", "sort([2, true, 1, false, 0])"); } #[test] fn unique_array() { assert_execute("[1,2,3]", "unique([1,1,2,3,3,2,1])"); assert_execute("[1,'2',3]", "unique([1,1,'2',3,3,'2',1])"); assert_execute("[[],[1]]", "unique([[],[1],[],[1]])"); assert_execute("[]", "unique([])"); }