## [0.9.0](https://github.com/ch3ck/rust-slack/tree/v0.9.0) ### Features - `reqwest` updated to `0.11`. - `hex` updated to `0.4`. - `error-chain` updated to `0.12`. - `url` support version `2`. - `Supply-chain security` and `automated release ` action workflows. ## [0.8.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.8.0) ### Features - `reqwest` updated to `0.9`. `hex` updated to `0.3`. - `Action` support: [#23](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/pull/23) ## [0.7.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.7.0) ### Features - New variant `SlackTextContent::User` holding `SlackUserLink` to support new-style for linking to slack users: [#21](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/pull/21). - Derive `Clone`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, and `PartialOrd` where appropriate. - Upgraded minimum rust version to 1.17 (field shorthands). ## [0.6.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.6.0) ### Features - Replaced `curl` with `reqwest` ### Breaking Changes: - `url` (removed) and `chrono` crates are no longer re-exported ### Other: - Removed `log` crate - `error-chain` updated to `0.11` ## [0.5.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.5.0) ### Features - Support `mrkdwn_in` field for an `Attachment`: [#17](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/pull/17). ### Breaking Change: - Need to move to chrono 0.4 since 0.3.1 (with serde 1.0) was yanked. ## [0.4.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.4.0) ### Features - Upgrade to serde 1.0 [#16](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/pull/16) - chrono 0.3.1 is now also required (serde 1.0 support added in 0.3.1). Even though chrono didn't do this as a breaking change it should be for semver. As a result, I'm moving this crate to 0.4.0 to avoid any issues. - Specify `Content-Type` as json when sending messages #15 ### Other - Replaced `quick-error` with `error-chain` ## [0.3.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.3.0) ### Features - Dependencies updated: - Serde upgraded to 0.9 (requires rust 1.15) - Chrono to 0.3 - Curl to 0.4 ## [0.2.0](https://github.com/frostly/rust-slack/tree/0.2.0) ### Deprecations / Breaking Changes: - `Payload` - `PayloadTemplate` is removed. - `unfurl_links` is now `bool`. No integer transformation is required by the slack API anymore. - `Attachment` - `AttachmentTemplate` is removed. - `color` is now optional. - `SlackError` is now `Error` and `SlackResult` is now `Result`. In addition, `ErrorKind` has been removed. All `Error` variants have also been renamed, removing the superfluous `Err` prefix: - `ErrSlackResp` -> `Slack` - `ErrUtf8` -> `Utf8` - `ErrFromHex` -> `FromHex` - `ErrHexColor` -> `HexColor` - `ErrEncoder` -> REMOVED. Replaced with `Serialize`. - `ErrCurl` -> `Curl` - `SlackLink`, `SlackText` - The `Display` trait is now used to format strings for sending to slack rather than `Debug`. The `Debug` impl is derived now. - `Slack::new` now returns a `Result` as it does `Url` parsing. ### Features - `PayloadBuilder` and `AttachmentBuilder` should be used for building a `Payload` or `Attachment` respectively. Errors won't be returned until the final `build` function is called. At this point, only the first error is displayed. Subsequent errors will only appear once the first error is fixed. - `Payload` - Added `unfurl_media` option - Three character hex color codes, e.g. `#000`, are now supported. - Add support for sending links and text into slack, see: [Text with Links](README.md#text-with-links). - Optional fields no longer are sent in the serialized json message to slack. - Add `parse` option to `Payload`. - New `Attachment` fields have been added. ### Other - `TryFrom` and `TryInto` traits have been added temporarily to this crate until they are formalized in rust proper. See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/33417 for details. - `HexColorT` trait removed. Conversions are used instead.