use nalgebra::{Point2, Point3}; use rand_distr::{Distribution, StandardNormal}; #[derive(Clone)] struct MyWorld(Vec); #[derive(Clone)] struct MyFeature(Point3); impl slam_cv::vo::World for MyWorld { type Landmark = MyFeature; fn for_landmarks(&self, mut f: F) where F: FnMut(&Self::Landmark), { for feature in &self.0 { f(feature); } } fn collect_landmarks(&self, f: F) -> Vec where F: FnMut(&Self::Landmark) -> B, { self.0.iter().map(f).collect() } fn load(&self) {} fn save(&self) {} } impl slam_cv::feature::Feature for MyFeature { type Number = f32; } impl slam_cv::feature::KeyPoint for MyFeature { fn point_image(&self) -> Point2 { self.0.xy() } } impl slam_cv::feature::Descriptor for MyFeature { type Distance = (); fn get_distance(&self, _other: &Self) -> Self::Distance {} } impl slam_cv::feature::Landmark for MyFeature { fn point_world(&self) -> Point3 { self.0 } } fn main() { const NUM_POINTS: usize = 10_000; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut rng = StandardNormal.sample_iter(&mut rng); let world = MyWorld( (0..NUM_POINTS) .map(|_| { let x =; let y =; let z =; MyFeature(Point3::new(x, y, z)) }) .collect(), ); #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] { std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(console_error_panic_hook::hook)); console_log::init().expect("could not initialize logger"); } // make a window with this thread slam_viewer::alloc_thread().add(world).run(); // make a window with a new thread // slam_viewer::alloc_thread().add(world).spawn().wait(); }