/* ### * IP: GHIDRA * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "loadimage.hh" /// This is a convenience method wrapped around the core /// loadFill() routine. It automatically allocates an array /// of the desired size, and then fills it with load image data. /// If the array cannot be allocated, an exception is thrown. /// The caller assumes the responsibility of freeing the /// array after it has been used. /// \param size is the number of bytes to read from the image /// \param addr is the address of the first byte being read /// \return a pointer to the desired bytes uint1 *LoadImage::load(int4 size,const Address &addr) { uint1 *buf = new uint1[ size ]; if (buf == (uint1 *)0) throw LowlevelError("Out of memory"); loadFill(buf,size,addr); return buf; } RawLoadImage::RawLoadImage(const string &f) : LoadImage(f) { vma = 0; thefile = (ifstream *)0; spaceid = (AddrSpace *)0; filesize = 0; } RawLoadImage::~RawLoadImage(void) { if (thefile != (ifstream *)0) { thefile->close(); delete thefile; } } /// The file is opened and its size immediately recovered. void RawLoadImage::open(void) { if (thefile != (ifstream *)0) throw LowlevelError("loadimage is already open"); thefile = new ifstream(filename.c_str()); if (!(*thefile)) { string errmsg = "Unable to open raw image file: "+filename; throw LowlevelError(errmsg); } thefile->seekg(0,ios::end); filesize = thefile->tellg(); } string RawLoadImage::getArchType(void) const { return "unknown"; } void RawLoadImage::adjustVma(long adjust) { adjust = AddrSpace::addressToByte(adjust,spaceid->getWordSize()); vma += adjust; } void RawLoadImage::loadFill(uint1 *ptr,int4 size,const Address &addr) { uintb curaddr = addr.getOffset(); uintb offset = 0; uintb readsize; curaddr -= vma; // Get relative offset of first byte while(size>0) { if (curaddr >= filesize) { if (offset == 0) // Initial address not within file break; memset(ptr+offset,0,size); // Fill out the rest of the buffer with 0 return; } readsize = size; if (curaddr + readsize > filesize) // Adjust to biggest possible read readsize = filesize - curaddr; thefile->seekg(curaddr); thefile->read((char *)(ptr+offset),readsize); offset += readsize; size -= readsize; curaddr += readsize; } if (size > 0) { ostringstream errmsg; errmsg << "Unable to load " << dec << size << " bytes at " << addr.getShortcut(); addr.printRaw(errmsg); throw DataUnavailError(errmsg.str()); } }