#!/bin/bash # run only from travis. # automated build script # parameters to set up in travis: # $GH_TOKEN -> github token # $REPO_LINK -> repository link. format: github.com/:username/:reponame # $GENERATED_FOLDER_NAME -> folder with generated html # $AUTHOR -> author of repository # $EMAIL -> email echo "> check if should deploy" if [[ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" || "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" != "nightly" || "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" != "linux" ]]; then echo "This commit was made against '$TRAVIS_BRANCH' with '$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION' on '$TRAVIS_OS_NAME'." echo "Instead of 'master' branch with 'nightly' on 'linux'!" echo "Not deploying!" exit 0 fi echo "> generating website" cargo run echo "> deploying" REV=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) cd $GENERATED_FOLDER_NAME git init git remote add upstream "https://$GH_TOKEN@$REPO_LINK" git config user.name "Travis ($AUTHOR)" git config user.email "$EMAIL" git add -A . git commit -qm "Build page at ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}@${REV}" echo "> pushing" git push -q upstream HEAD:refs/heads/pages --force