use crate::no_slog::log_via_log_crate; use crate::sample_module::{log_debug_mode, log_global}; use slog::{o, slog_info}; use slog_kickstarter::SlogKickstarter; use slog_scope::set_global_logger; use std::env; fn main() { // initialize a root logger let root_logger = SlogKickstarter::new("logging-example") .with_debug_log_for("full::sample_module") .init(); // set a global logger. The logger lives as long as the guard, so make sure the guard lives as long as the main-function let _guard = set_global_logger(!("scope" => "global"))); let json_log_status = if env::var("RUST_LOG_JSON") .map(|v| v == "1") .unwrap_or_default() { "RUST_JSON_LOG=1 set, logging in JSON format" } else { "RUST_JSON_LOG=1 not set, logging in compact format" }; // slog supports string formatting, and additional structured fields slog_info!(root_logger, "Hello World. {}", json_log_status; o!("type" => "example")); // example for a module with enforced debug-logging (set via `.with_debug_log_for()`) log_debug_mode(&!("scope" => "module-specific logger"))); log_via_log_crate(); log_global(); } mod sample_module { use slog::{o, slog_debug, slog_info, Logger}; use slog_scope::logger; pub fn log_debug_mode(logger: &Logger) { let example_value = 42; slog_debug!(logger, "This is debug log"; o!("example_value" => example_value)); } pub fn log_global() { // Sometimes it's not feasible to pass logging-instances around, then you may use the global logger, which // has been made available via `slog-scope::set_global_logger` // Be aware: slog discourages this usage. slog_info!(logger(), "Without explicitly passed logger") } } /// An external module/crate that knows nothing about slog, and just uses the log-facade crate. /// These case are covered by slog-stdlog mod no_slog { use log::info; pub fn log_via_log_crate() { // logging via well-known `log` crate. If a library does not know about `slog`, or for your own legacy code. info!("Using the well-known 'log' crate") } }