use { std :: { fs::File } , slog :: { Drain, Level, Logger, o, crit } , slog_term :: { FullFormat, PlainSyncDecorator } , slog_unwraps :: { ResultExt } , }; fn main() { let plain = PlainSyncDecorator::new( std::io::stderr() ) ; let log = Logger::root( FullFormat::new( plain ).build().fuse(), o!() ) ; // This will output: // // Mar 08 18:13:52.034 CRIT PANIC - fn `main` calls `unwraps` @ examples/ -> Error: No such file or directory (os error 2) // // and then will call unwrap for you // let f = File::open( "dont.exist" ); let _file = f.unwraps( &log ); // This is equivalent. Of course you can do something else with the result after logging rather than unwrapping. This only logs // if the result is an error. // let g = File::open( "dont.exist" ); let _file = g.log( &log, Level::Critical ).unwrap(); // Without this crate, everytime you want to unwrap, you would write something like: // let h = File::open( "dont.exist" ); let _file = match h { Ok ( f ) => f, Err( e ) => { crit!( log, "{}", e ); panic!() } }; }