# sloop Command-line tool to simplify importing audiobooks into a podcast app. Given a list of audio files, sloop will generate an RSS feed and upload this feed and the audio files to S3. ## Usage 1. Download and install the [awscli](https://aws.amazon.com/cli/) and run `aws configure` to setup your environment. 2. Install sloop: ``` $ cargo install sloop ``` 3. Run `sloop feed` to generate your feed. Include the `--upload` option to also upload to S3: ``` $ sloop feed --title Candide --out feed.xml --upload --bucket candide-a5e21f --region ap-southeast-2 Chapter_*.mp3 Uploading feed.xml Uploading Chapter_01.mp3 Uploading Chapter_02.mp3 ... Uploading Chapter_29.mp3 Uploading Chapter_30.mp3 Upload complete Podcast available at https://candide-a5e21f.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/feed.xml ```