# slow5_write_batch ## NAME slow5_write_batch - writes a batch of SLOW5 records to a SLOW5 file ## SYNOPSYS `int slow5_write_batch(slow5_mt_t *mt, slow5_batch_t *read_batch, int num_reads)` ## DESCRIPTION `slow5_write_batch()` writes a batch of SLOW5 records pointed by *read_batch* to a SLOW5 file associated with *mt*. ## RETURN VALUE The number of records written. ## ERRORS Currently, in case of error, this function will exit the programme. Proper error handling might be introduced in future, where a negative number return is indicative of error. ## EXAMPLES ``` #include #include #include #include #define FILE_PATH "test.blow5" int main(){ slow5_file_t *sf = slow5_open(FILE_PATH,"w"); if(sf==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error in opening file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } slow5_hdr_t *header=sf->header; //add a header group attribute called run_id if (slow5_hdr_add_attr("run_id", header) != 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error adding run_id attribute\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //set the run_id attribute to "run_0" for read group 0 if (slow5_hdr_set("run_id", "run_0", 0, header) != 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error setting run_id attribute in read group 0\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(slow5_hdr_write(sf) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error writing header!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int ret=0; int batch_size = 16; int num_thread = 8; slow5_mt_t *mt = slow5_init_mt(num_thread,sf); if (mt==NULL){ //currently not useful, but better have this for future proofing fprintf(stderr,"Error in initialising multi-thread struct\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } slow5_batch_t *read_batch = slow5_init_batch(batch_size); if (read_batch==NULL){ //currently not useful, but better have this for future proofing fprintf(stderr,"Error in initialising slow5 record batch\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } slow5_rec_t **rec = read_batch->slow5_rec; for(int i=0;i read_id = strdup(tmp_read_id); if(slow5_record->read_id == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate space for strdup."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } slow5_record -> read_id_len = strlen(slow5_record -> read_id); slow5_record -> read_group = 0; slow5_record -> digitisation = 4096.0; slow5_record -> offset = 3.0+i; slow5_record -> range = 10.0+i; slow5_record -> sampling_rate = 4000.0; slow5_record -> len_raw_signal = 10+i; slow5_record -> raw_signal = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*(10+i)); if(slow5_record->raw_signal == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate space for raw signal."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for(int j=0;j<10+i;j++){ slow5_record->raw_signal[j] = j+i; } } ret = slow5_write_batch(mt, read_batch,batch_size); if(ret!=batch_size){ fprintf(stderr,"Writing failed\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } slow5_free_batch(read_batch); slow5_free_mt(mt); slow5_close(sf); return 0; } ```