# slow5\_aux\_set ## NAME slow5\_aux\_set - sets an auxiliary field (a primitive datatype) of a SLOW5 record ## SYNOPSYS ``` int slow5_aux_set(slow5_rec_t *read, const char *field, const void *data, slow5_hdr_t *header) ``` ## DESCRIPTION `slow5_aux_set()` sets the value of an auxiliary field of a primitive datatype (integers, float or double, char) specified by the field name *field* in the slow5 record pointed by *read*. The argument *header* points to a SLOW5 header of type *slow5_hdr_t* that has the corresponding field name along with the datatype already added using `slow5_aux_add()`. ## RETURN VALUE Upon successful completion, `slow5_aux_set()` returns a non negative integer (>=0). Otherwise, a negative value is returned that indicates the error. ## ERRORS A negative returned when an error occurs and can be due to following occasions (not an exhaustive list): - input invalid - field not found - type is an array type - data is invalid ## NOTES In future `slow5_errno` will be set to indicate the error. ## EXAMPLES ``` #include #include #include #define FILE_PATH "test.slow5" int main(){ slow5_file_t *sp = slow5_open(FILE_PATH, "w"); if(sp==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error opening file!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //add auxilliary field: median_before if (slow5_aux_add("median_before", SLOW5_DOUBLE, sp->header) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error adding median_before auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //add auxilliary field: read_number if(slow5_aux_add("read_number", SLOW5_INT32_T, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error adding read_number auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //add auxilliary field: start_mux if(slow5_aux_add("start_mux", SLOW5_UINT8_T, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error adding start_mux auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //add auxilliary field: start_time if(slow5_aux_add("start_time", SLOW5_UINT64_T, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error adding start_time auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } slow5_rec_t *slow5_record = slow5_rec_init(); if(slow5_record == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Could not allocate space for a slow5 record."); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } double median_before = 0.1; int32_t read_number = 10; uint8_t start_mux = 1; uint64_t start_time = 100; if(slow5_aux_set(slow5_record, "median_before", &median_before, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error setting median_before auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(slow5_aux_set(slow5_record, "read_number", &read_number, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error setting read_number auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(slow5_aux_set(slow5_record, "start_mux", &start_mux, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error setting start_mux auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(slow5_aux_set(slow5_record, "start_time", &start_time, sp->header) < 0){ fprintf(stderr,"Error setting start_time auxilliary field\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //.... } ``` ## SEE ALSO [`slow5_aux_set_string()`](slow5_aux_set_string.md).