// an example programme that uses slow5lib to obtain a slow5 header data attribute #include #include #include #define FILE_PATH "examples/example.slow5" int main(){ //open the SLOW5 file slow5_file_t *sp = slow5_open(FILE_PATH,"r"); if(sp==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Error in opening file\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } const slow5_hdr_t* header = sp->header; //pointer to the SLOW5 header int read_group = 0; char* read_group_0_run_id_value = slow5_hdr_get("run_id", read_group, header); //get the value of the attribute "run_id" in the read group 0 if(read_group_0_run_id_value != NULL ){ //check if the attribute exists and print the value printf("%s\n",read_group_0_run_id_value); } //close the SLOW5 file slow5_close(sp); return 0; }