try: from setuptools import setup, Extension from setuptools.command.install import install except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension import sys import platform import os include_dirs = [] # import numpy as np # creat dummy closures for metadata reading on first parse of # that way it picks up the requirements and installs them, then can use them # for the install. try: import numpy as np include_dirs = ['include/', np.get_include(), 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/include'] except ImportError: include_dirs = ['include/', 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/include'] def np(*args, ** kwargs ): import numpy as np return np(*args, ** kwargs) try: from Cython.Build import build_ext except ImportError: def build_ext(*args, ** kwargs ): from Cython.Build import build_ext return build_ext(*args, ** kwargs) # from Cython.Build import build_ext #adapted from sources=['python/pyslow5.pyx', 'src/slow5.c', 'src/slow5_press.c', 'src/slow5_misc.c', 'src/slow5_idx.c', 'src/slow5_mt.c', 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/src/streamvbyte_zigzag.c', 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/src/streamvbyte_decode.c', 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/src/streamvbyte_encode.c'] depends=['python/pyslow5.pxd', 'python/pyslow5.h', 'slow5/slow5.h', 'slow5/slow5_defs.h', 'slow5/slow5_error.h', 'slow5/slow5_press.h', 'slow5/slow5_lazymt.h', 'slow5/klib/khash.h', 'slow5/klib/kvec.h', 'src/slow5_extra.h', 'src/slow5_idx.h', 'src/slow5_misc.h', 'src/klib/ksort.h', 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/include/streamvbyte.h', 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/include/streamvbyte_zigzag.h'] extra_compile_args = ['-g', '-Wall', '-O2', '-std=c99', '-DSLOW5_ENABLE_MT=1' ] # extra_compile_args = [] # os.environ["CFLAGS"] = '-g -Wall -O2 -std=c99' if platform.system() != 'Darwin': arch=platform.machine() if arch in ["aarch64"]: extra_compile_args.append('-D__ARM_NEON__') elif arch in ["armv7l"]: extra_compile_args.append('-mfpu=neon') elif arch in ["x86_64"]: extra_compile_args.extend(['-DSTREAMVBYTE_SSSE3=1', '-mssse3']) # WARNING: ancient x86_64 CPUs don't have SSSE3 # note that on macos, for now we just let it compile without simd # include_dirs = ['include/', np.get_include(), 'thirdparty/streamvbyte/include'] libraries = ['m', 'z'] library_dirs = ['.'] # a nasty hack to provide option to build with zstd zstd=0 try: zstd=os.environ["PYSLOW5_ZSTD"] except: zstd=0 if zstd=="1": extra_compile_args.append('-DSLOW5_USE_ZSTD=1') libraries.append('zstd') extensions = [Extension('pyslow5', sources = sources, depends = depends, extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args, libraries = libraries, include_dirs = include_dirs, library_dirs = library_dirs, language = 'c' )] def readme(): with open('docs/pyslow5_api/') as f: return setup( name = 'pyslow5', version='1.3.0', url = '', description='slow5lib python bindings', long_description=readme(), long_description_content_type='text/markdown', author='Hasindu Gamaarachchi, Sasha Jenner, James Ferguson', author_email='', maintainer='Hasindu Gamaarachchi', maintainer_email='', license = 'MIT', keywords = ['nanopore','slow5','signal'], ext_modules=extensions, cmdclass= {'build_ext': build_ext}, classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Programming Language :: C', 'Programming Language :: Cython', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics'], python_requires='>=3.4.3', install_requires=["numpy"], setup_requires=["Cython", "numpy"] )