# slurm-sys This crate provides low-level bindings to the `libslurm` and `libslurmdb` libraries associated with the [Slurm](https://slurm.schedmd.com/) workload manager. ## Building You must have a working version of [rustfmt](https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt) installed in order to build this crate correctly! To handle the evolving Slurm C API, this crate's build script parses the output of `bindgen` in a simplistic manner. Without `rustfmt`, the code is not formatted in a way that the build script can handle. By default, this crate's build script will use a [pkg-config](https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/) search for `slurm` to determine the necessary library and include search paths. Not all Slurm installs come with a `pkg-config` file, however. If that is the case for you, set the environment variables `SLURM_LIBDIR` and, optionally, `SLURM_INCDIR` to point to the directories containing the Slurm shared libraries and include files, respectively. In particular, these variables should be set such that the files `$SLURM_LIBDIR/libslurm.so` and `$SLURM_INCDIR/slurm/slurm.h` exist. ## Licensing Licensed under the MIT License.