# Tune your SmallVecs! *This is a Work In Progress. Issues and Pull Requests Welcome!* You can use this crate to get information on how your code uses `SmallVec`s. What it does is writing a log of all SmallVec constructions, resizings and destructions by array size. Each line in the log is composed of `;;[+/-];`, where the first item is the size of the array's item type, the second is the array size (we can use this to distinguish various smallvec uses within one application), the third is `+` for a new allocation and `-` for a deallocation and the fourth is the resulting capacity. For example, creating a smallvec of `u8`, extending and dropping it may create the following log (here annotated for clarity): ``` 1;1;+;1 # create 1;1;+;100 # extend (allocate+deallocate) 1;1;-;1 1;1;-;100 # drop ``` # License # Usage In your `Cargo.toml`, replace your `smallvec` dependency with `smallvectune`. Then you need to `use smallvectune::SmallVec` istead of `smallvec::SmallVec`. It's also a good idea to call `let _log = smallvectune::with_log()` in your `main` method, otherwise some entries may be lost. Calling your code, you'll have to set the `SMALLVECTUNE_OUT` environment variable to a valid path to write to. This is where the log will be written. # License This is under Apache/2 or MIT license, per your choice. All contributions are also given under the same license.