use tracing::{error, info, warn}; use smart_id_rust_client::{authenticate_by_semantic_identifier, generate_verification_number, get_certificate_by_semantic_identifier, get_config_from_env, SessionSignature, SessionStatus, sha_digest, sign_by_semantic_identifier}; use smart_id_rust_client::common::{CountryCode, HashType, IdentityType, Interaction, ResultState, SemanticsIdentifier}; use smart_id_rust_client::config::{SmartIDConfig, SmartIDConfigBuilder}; use anyhow::Result; use base64::Engine; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .init(); info!("---Example::Smart ID Client---"); /// Get default Config (from environment variables) let cfg = get_config_from_env(); /// or use builder pattern to construct the config let cfg = SmartIDConfigBuilder::new().url("").build().expect("Error building config"); info!("Config: {:?}", cfg); /// Example get Certificate let _ = uc_get_certificate_choice(&cfg).await; /// Example authenticate user let _ = uc_authenticate_by_semantic_identifier(&cfg).await; /// Example sign document digest let _ = uc_sign_by_semantic_identifier(&cfg).await; Ok(()) } async fn uc_get_certificate_choice(cfg: &SmartIDConfig) -> Result<()> { /// Create the semantic identifier let sem_id = SemanticsIdentifier::new_from_enum_mock(IdentityType::PNO, CountryCode::BE); /// Verify if a certificate exists for given id let res = get_certificate_by_semantic_identifier(&cfg, sem_id).await; match res { Ok(r) => { let cert = validate_response_success(r).map(|res| res.cert.unwrap().value.unwrap())?; info!("Smart ID Certificate {:#?}", cert); Ok(()) } Err(_) => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Error getting certificate")) } } async fn uc_authenticate_by_semantic_identifier(cfg: &SmartIDConfig) -> Result<()> { /// Create the semantic identifier let sem_id = SemanticsIdentifier::new_from_enum_mock(IdentityType::PNO, CountryCode::BE); /// Define interactions let interactions: Vec = vec![Interaction::diplay_text_and_pin("Authenticate to Application: ReadMyCards")]; /// Create hash let hash_type = HashType::SHA256; let hash = sha_digest("This is a test string".to_string().into_bytes(), &hash_type)?; let b64_hash = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(hash.as_ref()); let verification_code_for_user = generate_verification_number(hash.as_ref().to_vec())?; info!("Verification code for user: {}", verification_code_for_user); /// Ask user for authentication let res = authenticate_by_semantic_identifier(&cfg, sem_id, interactions, b64_hash, hash_type).await; match res { Ok(r) => { let session_result = validate_response_success(r).map(|res| res.result)?; info!("Smart ID Authentication result {:#?}", session_result); Ok(()) } Err(_) => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Error during authentication")) } } async fn uc_sign_by_semantic_identifier(cfg: &SmartIDConfig) -> Result<()> { /// Create the semantic identifier let sem_id = SemanticsIdentifier::new_from_enum_mock(IdentityType::PNO, CountryCode::BE); /// Define interactions let interactions: Vec = vec![Interaction::confirmation_message("Are you sure to sign document: something.pdf?"), Interaction::diplay_text_and_pin("Sign using ReadMyCards")]; /// Create hash let hash_type = HashType::SHA256; let hash = sha_digest("This is a test string".to_string().into_bytes(), &hash_type)?; let b64_hash = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD.encode(hash.as_ref()); /// Create verification cod let verification_code_for_user = generate_verification_number(hash.as_ref().to_vec())?; info!("Verification code for user: {}", verification_code_for_user); /// Ask user to sign let res = sign_by_semantic_identifier(&cfg, sem_id, interactions, b64_hash, hash_type).await; match res { Ok(r) => { match validate_response_success(r).map(|res| res.signature)? { None => { warn!("No signature"); Ok(()) } Some(signature) => { info!("Smart ID signature result {:#?}", signature); Ok(()) } } } Err(_) => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Error signing digest")) } } fn validate_response_success(response: SessionStatus) -> Result { if response.state == "COMPLETE" && ResultState::from(response.result.end_result.clone()).eq(&ResultState::OK) { Ok(response) } else { Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Error SmartID Response")) } }