syntax = "proto3"; package smartnoise; import "value.proto"; import "components.proto"; message Error { string message = 1; } message Analysis { PrivacyDefinition privacy_definition = 1; ComputationGraph computation_graph = 2; } // The definition of privacy determines parameters for sensitivity derivations and the set of available algorithms. message PrivacyDefinition { // Privacy leakage with respect `group_size` number of rows. This is typically one. uint32 group_size = 1; enum Neighboring { SUBSTITUTE = 0; ADD_REMOVE = 1; } // Define the kind of perturbation that may be applied to a dataset to create a neighboring dataset. Neighboring neighboring = 2; // enable to reject the use of algorithms using delta when n is not known // enable to reject the use of algorithms when some soft violations of assumptions are observed // - epsilon greater than one with the gaussian mechanism bool strict_parameter_checks = 3; // enable for tighter bounds checking to prevent leaks via overflow/underflow bool protect_overflow = 4; // enable if side-channel elapsed execution time is considered part of the release bool protect_elapsed_time = 5; // enable if side-channel memory usage is considered part of the release bool protect_memory_utilization = 6; // enable to block mechanisms known to be vulnerable to floating point attacks bool protect_floating_point = 7; // enable to prevent manual insertion of sensitivity to mechanisms bool protect_sensitivity = 8; } message ComputationGraph { map value = 1; } message Release { map values = 1; } enum FilterLevel { // release from runtime should include public data (either literals or sanitized data) PUBLIC = 0; // release from runtime should include public and prior known values PUBLIC_AND_PRIOR = 1; // release from runtime should include evaluations from all nodes ALL = 2; } // derived properties for the top-level Value type message ValueProperties { oneof variant { DataframeProperties dataframe = 1; PartitionsProperties partitions = 2; ArrayProperties array = 3; JaggedProperties jagged = 4; FunctionProperties function = 5; } } message ArgumentProperties { repeated IndexKey keys = 1; repeated ValueProperties values = 2; } message DataframeProperties { repeated IndexKey keys = 1; repeated ValueProperties values = 2; } message PartitionsProperties { repeated IndexKey keys = 1; repeated ValueProperties values = 2; } // sub-properties for Value::* types that may be aggregated message AggregatorProperties { Component component = 1; ArgumentProperties properties = 2; Value lipschitz_constants = 3; } /// derived properties for the Value::Array /// a homogeneously-typed (0, 1, 2)-dimensional array message ArrayProperties { /// length of axis zero. May be unknown I64Null num_records = 1; /// length of axis one. If dimensionality is one, then one. May be unknown I64Null num_columns = 2; /// true if data may contain null values bool nullity = 3; /// number of records one individual may influence uint32 c_stability = 4; /// description of the aggregation that has been applied to the data /// used to help compute sensitivity in the mechanisms AggregatorProperties aggregator = 5; /// atomic type DataType data_type = 6; /// true if the data has been sanitized bool releasable = 7; /// node_id of the dataset this observation originated from /// used to check for conformability, is erased upon resize, is reset upon filter I64Null dataset_id = 8; /// true if the row length is known to be greater than zero bool is_not_empty = 9; /// number of axes in the array I64Null dimensionality = 10; /// used for tracking subpartitions repeated GroupId group_id = 11; oneof nature { /// numerical bounds of each column NatureContinuous continuous = 100; /// categories of each column NatureCategorical categorical = 101; } // true if row ordering has not changed bool naturally_ordered = 12; // proportion of records this array contains sampled from the original dataset F64Null sample_proportion = 13; // useful to reference an intermediate calculation uint32 node_id = 14; } message NatureContinuous { Array1dNull minimum = 1; Array1dNull maximum = 2; } message NatureCategorical { Jagged categories = 1; } message GroupId { /// node id of partition uint32 partition_id = 1; /// indexes referenced in the partition IndexKey index = 2; } /// derived properties for the Value::Jagged type /// a homogeneously-typed vector of vectors /// each vector represents a column message JaggedProperties { /// number of records per column Array1dI64 num_records = 1; /// true if the data may contain null values bool nullity = 2; /// description of the aggregation that has been applied to the data /// used to help compute sensitivity in the mechanisms AggregatorProperties aggregator = 3; /// atomic type DataType data_type = 4; /// true if the data has been sanitized bool releasable = 5; oneof nature { /// numerical bounds of each column NatureContinuous continuous = 100; /// categories of each column NatureCategorical categorical = 101; } } // derived properties for the Value::Function type message FunctionProperties { bool releasable = 1; } // properties for each node on a graph message GraphProperties { map properties = 1; repeated Error warnings = 2; } message Accuracies { repeated Accuracy values = 1; } message Accuracy { double value = 1; double alpha = 2; } message ComponentExpansion { map computation_graph = 1; map properties = 2; map releases = 3; repeated uint32 traversal = 4; repeated Error warnings = 5; } // literals message Value { oneof data { // bytes bytes = 1; // N-dimensional homogeneously typed array Array array = 2; // Key-Value pairs Dataframe dataframe = 3; Partitions partitions = 4; // Data structure with mixed column lengths Jagged jagged = 5; // Evaluable function Function function = 6; } } message Dataframe { repeated IndexKey keys = 1; repeated Value values = 2; } message Partitions { repeated IndexKey keys = 1; repeated Value values = 2; } message Function { ComputationGraph computation_graph = 1; Release release = 2; map arguments = 3; map outputs = 4; } message ReleaseNode { Value value = 1; PrivacyUsages privacy_usages = 2; bool public = 3; } message IndexmapReleaseNode { repeated IndexKey keys = 1; repeated ReleaseNode values = 2; }